Chapter 10

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After the party was over, I had no other choice but move in with Allen as per stated in the contract. As he took me inside his mansion, I couldn't help but admire the perfect and luxurious interior of his house.

"you have to sleep in my room today, mom will leaving tomorrow. you can shift to your room once she leaves tomorrow, for now just follow me" I nod as he carries my suitcases up to his room. even though he is obnoxious and a bit controlling at least he doesn't force me to do something i'm uncomfortable with(I meant intimate)

His room was painted dark grey combined with white, it looked captivating for some reason.

I then proceeded with the daily routine of falling asleep.

"where are you going" I asked

"I'll be back just some work, won't be gone for long rosy" he winked. Gosh this guy and his flirting skills!

"I was just asking, curiosity plus I can't stay alone in this strange room"

"This room is safest place in the whole house because it's mine" I cringed real hard at that. what's wrong with him can't he just have a good conversation with me without all that cringe?

He walks out of the room. I then let out a sigh tired of his weird behavior.

I took a look at his bed, it was covered in black quilt. I can't take that bed that would be so inappropriate. I then lay on the couch, just in front of the balcony. After a while of laying on the couch when the sleep was almost to consume me, I heard him enter the room. I ignored his presence and went back to sleep.

I could feel him staring at me but I would not fall for it again so I pretended to be asleep until he stops those stare. Why does he have to be so difficult?

After a while of pretending, I heard footsteps getting closer to where I was sleeping, thinking that he might take the bed too, my stomach churned at that.

I could feel his breath getting closer to my face,"what was he even doing?" I asked myself

his breath got even closer to the point that I had to open my eyes to see what the hell he was up to.

He was staring right at me, his face close that I almost fainted when I opened my eyes.

"pretending I see" he said with a curious tone as hi slips twitched

"why would I?" I answered back "what exactly were you even up to?"

"Nothing, you really think I would do something to you?"

"of course, you want me to be yours so how am I to know what you're thinking?"

"so you were expecting something?"

"why would I?"

"then why were you pretending?"

"I told you I wasn't, you were so close that I could hear you're breath, it was loud okay and i'm not a deep sleeper"

"seems convincing enough"

"look I dont want to argue with you at all, let me just sleep we'll talk about the rest tomorrow" I sighed in frustration

"fine" he said as he went back to sleep on his bed he sat on

I watched him as he fell asleep on his bed it was hard for him to notice me staring him since the bed was faced in such a way.

*The next morning*

I woke up early to wave goodbye to Allen's mom.

"have a safe journey mom" I told her as the word mom sounded so foreign almost felt like it was forced.

"ohh thankyou honey" she said as she gave a hug

Then she turned towards Allen "make sure to take good care of her, if ever hear about you doing wrong to her, i'll disown you" she said looking deadly at his eyes.

"I...I will mom" he said with fear his veins while I chucked at looking at him. He noticed my chuckle but ignored it since mom was there.

We watched her as she left, then turned back to leave.

"what was that about?" he asked

"what was what about?"

"the chuckle?"

"what chuckle?" I pretended to not know what I did

"don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about" he said in a cold tone

"I will only tell you once you stop acting cold towards me"

"I am not acting cold towards you"

"You are. you seriously acting all possessive then you act cold towards me out of the blue. what the hell is wrong with you? choose one side"

"What if now I want to act cold towards you?"

"Excuse me, Mr novel, where did you owning me and all suddenly go? your unpleasant possessiveness that i belong to you and no one else "

"you know rosy, it will be what it is. i still own you" he smirked

"You do know that I agreed marrying you, not letting my parents know about it"

"yes but what does that have to do with this?" his voice know went softer to a point that I could barely hear it

"good enough that you know that. Now you better change you're tone towards me if you want me to keep this game on" I said staring direct at his eyes.






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