Chapter 7: Schemer

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As Chasm laid out his masterful pitch for the welcome party, Aiden bounced energetically around the living room, his excitement palpable and infectious. The younger boy's enthusiasm served as a perfect backdrop to Chasm's calculated appeal, unwittingly amplifying the persuasive charm of the proposal.

"Mom, Dad," Chasm started, his voice carefully modulated to blend youthful eagerness with a hint of thoughtful consideration, "think about how wonderful it would be for Aiden too. He'd get to play with my classmates and learn about organizing events. It's practically a live lesson in social skills and responsibility."

Aiden, catching on to his brother's angle, paused his bouncing and looked up at their parents with wide, hopeful eyes. "Yes, please! I wanna help! I can make invitations!" His declaration, full of genuine excitement and an eagerness to be involved, seemed to dissolve any lingering resistance from their parents.

Helen smiled, touched by the display of brotherly cooperation and Aiden's enthusiasm. "Well, it does sound like a good opportunity for both of you to learn and grow. And fostering friendships is important." She glanced at Daniel, seeking his agreement.

Daniel, with a slightly amused and resigned look, nodded. "Alright, let's talk details. But let's keep it sensible, agreed?" He was already picturing the chaos of a child-hosted event but couldn't deny the potential benefits of such an experience for his sons.

As their parents acquiesced, Chasm internally reveled in his victory, the wheels in his mind already turning with plans and preparations. "They're so easily convinced when it's for the 'benefit of the children,'" he mused, a touch of pride in his cunning. Yet, watching Aiden's jubilant reaction, his heart warmed despite himself. This party wasn't just a stage for his machinations; it was a genuine cause for excitement for his little brother.

"Yay! I'll make the best invitations ever!" Aiden declared, already darting off to gather art supplies, his earlier energy now channeled into creative enthusiasm.

Chasm watched him go, a small, genuine smile playing on his lips. His plan was in motion, and yes, while part of him enjoyed the manipulation and the spotlight, another part was sincerely happy to see Aiden so excited. This blend of narcissism and brotherly affection made for an interesting dynamic, one that Chasm was still navigating in his new life. Though he'd never admit it out loud, Aiden's happiness added a layer of sincerity to his plans that even his narcissistic self couldn't entirely overshadow.

As the family moved into the planning phase, Chasm felt a sense of anticipation. Not just for the party, but for the opportunity to guide Aiden, and maybe, just maybe, to be a real brother in this life, even as he indulged in his more self-centered tendencies.


In the days leading up to the party, Chasm found himself roped into an unexpected project: costume making with Aiden. The theme of the welcome party had somehow spiraled into a 'Superhero Meetup,' thanks to Aiden's boundless imagination and enthusiasm, which their parents found utterly charming. Chasm, ever the strategist, saw it as another opportunity to mold his little brother's future while indulging his own penchant for the dramatic.

On a sunny afternoon, the brothers found themselves in the spacious living room surrounded by fabric, glitter, and an array of craft supplies. Aiden, donned in a cape made from an old curtain, declared, "Chasm, we need the coolest costumes! I'm gonna be Super Aiden! You can be… Captain Cool!"

Chasm raised an eyebrow, the moniker sparking a wry amusement within him. "Captain Cool, huh? Fitting for a former celebrity, don't you think?" he mused inwardly, the irony not lost on him. Despite the playful jab at his own ego, he couldn't help but get caught up in Aiden's excitement.

"Alright, Super Aiden," Chasm began, adopting a tone of mock seriousness as he surveyed the materials before them. "Every hero needs a signature look. What's yours?"

Aiden, deep in thought, tapped a finger against his lips—a gesture he'd picked up from Chasm. "Blue! Like the sky! And with a big 'A' for Aiden!" His eyes sparkled with the kind of innocence and creativity that Chasm found both endearing and a stark contrast to his own calculated nature.

As they set to work, Chasm found himself coaching Aiden on the finer points of costume design, from color coordination to the symbolic importance of emblems. The task, though frivolous on the surface, became a lesson in creativity, patience, and brotherly bonding.

Aiden, for all his youthful exuberance, proved to be an eager and attentive student, hanging on Chasm's every word and suggestion. Together, they crafted 'Super Aiden's' costume, complete with a bright blue cape and a glittering 'A' emblazoned on the chest.

Chasm, meanwhile, settled on a more subdued costume, opting for a sleek mask and a nod to his self-assigned title with a subtle, cool blue theme. "Captain Cool doesn't need all the glitter," he joked, though part of him reveled in the role-play and the chance to be someone larger than life again, even if just in a child's game.

As they worked, Chasm couldn't help but reflect on the stark difference between this innocent, joyful moment and the calculated world of celebrity he'd left behind. Here, with Aiden, he was more than just a narcissistic former star; he was a brother, a mentor, and perhaps most surprisingly to himself, a friend.

The laughter and chatter that filled the room as they prepared for the party were a testament to the unexpected journey Chasm found himself on. No longer just navigating his second chance for personal glory, he was genuinely invested in the world around him, particularly in shaping Aiden's future.

The party, set to be a celebration of Chasm's welcome, was shaping up to be a milestone in more ways than one. It was not only a debut into society but a declaration of the new bonds and roles he was coming to embrace, with Aiden by his side, looking up to him not just as a brother, but as a hero in his own right.

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