Chapter 14 - Home Sweet Home

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Carefully walking back to the statue in the middle of Playcare I walked down the stairs, and I sighed in relief as I saw that the lights still worked down there.

Taking the key Ollie provided me with to the haunted house looking building I slowly walked back out, shaking every step I took. Once out, I scouted out the house and walked up the stairs towards the entrance.

A feeling of dread crawled up my spine as my hand was hovering above the doorknob. Taking a few deep breaths to try and calm down, obviously unsuccessfully, I turned the handle and opened the door.

I was met with a dimly lit hallway and a set of stairs leading down underground. Taking a few steps inside, the door I just opened closed behind me automatically.

Due to the small amount of lights that the lamps on the walls produced I was able to see a few pictures on the walls. They were a bunch of portraits of children, presumably the kids who used to live in this house.

It kinda sets me off seeing a bunch of kids' pictures who died already...

Walking down the staircase I noticed a very ominous looking door. My instincts told me I had to run and get out of there, but I just couldn't. I had to find the generator and turn it back on.

Opening the door, I noticed a bunch of red gas, like CatNap just gassed the room. Knowing what I had to do, I covered my face so I wouldn't inhale the gas-like substance.

I walked in, and I was immediately hit by a wave of nausea. The world around me turned from red to darkness.

A few seconds after kinda passing out I raised up from the ground and dusted myself off. I also noticed that I didn't have my Grabpack?

And also, the red gas is no longer here, which is a great thing. Noticing a staircase going down in front of me, I walked up to it and looked down.

'Damn, that's a long way...' I took the first step, the step creaking under my foot.

Each step made me feel like something was going to jump out at me, even though only walls surrounded me and no doors or anything like that.

At the bottom I was met with a pretty long hallway leading to a cabinet that had a radio, a lamp and a picture of a child on it. Suddenly, the radio started playing a news coverage.

""Tragic news this morning. As of 9:45 AM, local authorities report that the body of a young boy has been found on the estate of the late Elliot Ludwig, an esteemed toy maker and originator of the Playtime Company."

That whole sentence shocked me. Why would they find a dead kid in his place?!

"At this time, an identity for the child awaits official confirmation. Found in an upstairs bedroom in a large duffle bag, officers on-scene report that the remains appeared to have been disturbed.
Organs as well as key bones from the skeletal structure were reported missing from the body. It's unknown at this time whether this extraction was, in fact, the cause of death."

The recording ended with a long static sound. I was speechless. Who could even do something like that?! And the body was so disturbed with, that they couldn't even identify the kid! What the actual fuck happened here!?

Deep in thought, I looked down and noticed a writing on the floor. '"Happy and fun, why was it done"? What does that mean?'

Not wanting to get even more questions, I shook my head to make the thoughts disappear. Looking around, I noticed I could go in two directions. Left and right. It didn't really seem to be a hard choice, since both hallways looked the same.

I decided to choose the right path. Taking in my surroundings, I saw multiple claw marks on the walls and floor. 'CatNap... I hope he's not here.'

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