Chapter 21

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I stormed past them through the front door, unleashing my burning rage like a roaring monsoon throughout the house.

At least....that's what I wanted to do. It was always harder to reenact emotions outside of my mind especially when my mobility was inhibiting me from doing so. In reality, I was more focused on each step I took, finding it hard to stay on my feet with the sharp pain in my stomach and the light headed feeling threatening to topple me over.

I was starving and exhausted. My body zapped every ounce of energy I had towards healing my injuries and I hadn't eaten since two days ago at the Celestial Ball. I hadn't slept since the night before the ball. As much as I tried to fall asleep on the car ride here, my mind was too active to bring it to rest.

Alana was leaning against the wall of the foyer, letting everyone pass her as they entered the house. Lilo pushed the door close after I entered and shifted her eyes between the two of us.

"I'll just let you guys talk." She smiled with uncertainty and skirted past Alana.

Alana stopped her.


Lilo grimaced, but her response was quick as she twirled around on her heels," Okay."

It looked like this was the last thing Alana wanted to do, but she breathed heavily and started, begrudgingly.

"We were out trying to save your dumb ass, warriors were sent to capture your family by the elders, they seized your parents and sister, younger two were missing, Helios found them hiding in a hole in the floor, we sent them here before they came back for them again. Happy?"

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I crossed my arms.

"Would it have made a difference? They're safe, you're safe, and soon enough the rest of your family will be, too."

"But I didn't know that. Do you understand at least a little how worried I am about all of this?"

Reasoning with someone like her felt like a lost cause, but here I was doing it anyway.

"And I'm telling you not to be. Right, Lilo?"

"I don't even know why I'm here."

"Lilo." Alana stressed.


I waved my hand between them.

"How is this fair?" I questioned with frustration.

"I have your best interest at heart," Alana recited as if she was reading a manual.

"Do you really?" I deadpanned.

She sighed and glanced downwards, but when she looked up, it was almost like I was looking at a different person.

"Just trust me, Marielle. Can you do that? I'm on your side." She urged me. "We're..."

She looked hesitant and I inched closer as I waited for what she was about to say.

"We're friends, remember." She grumbled, refusing to look me in the eye.

Lilo's eyes widened and I found myself questioning if I heard her correctly.

"What did you-"

"Don't make me repeat it." She snapped.

"This calls for a group hug," Lilo squealed and went to wrap her arms around the both of us, but Alana pushed her arms away.

"No. I don't even know why you're still fucking here."


Just as Rae said, Karter was plopped in front of a massive screen, buried in a mountain of blankets with his eyes locked to the flashing television that illuminated the room. I cracked a smile. He was always small for boys his age and somehow, he appeared even smaller now under all those blankets.

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