Chapter 14

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I had seen Jenna. With a Man in his twenties, talking, flirting, blushing, laughing... Everything that shouldn't happen went on.

'So that's why she was all so dolled up today?' I said to myself. Right now I'm not going to do anything let her enjoy her date. She will have an explanation to do once she gets home! She better tell me the truth and not act like she doesn't know what happened or else I will make sure she doesn't step out of my house ever again!

*Jenna's POV*

It was a weird day with Alex, since I had seen him flirting here and there with random women, I had ignored it since I was only with him to get Allen out of his rage.

I then reached home, removing my shoes I entered the living room where Allen was sitted waiting.

Ignoring him, I walked towards my bedroom. I changed my clothes and walked to the dining room. I wasn't full since Alex had taken my appetite away.

When I was halfway eating, Allen joined and a notification on my phone popped.

Alex:💕💕💕"I miss you"

The message was portrayed on the lock screen visible enough for Allen to take a glance and know what it was. Though I cringed at it inside. But I smiled at his message to piss him off.

"Who is that?" he asks in an angry calmed tone

"None of you're business" I said sternly picking up my phone and texting him back with a small fake blush and smile on my face.

"It is my business, you're mine Rosy.Don't taste my patience, who is that you're texting that's making you smile that much?"

I ignored him and continued texting him.

"Fine, if you don't want to answer that..." He then stood up, held my arms and yanked me off the chair. Now we were standing facing each other. Irritated look on my face was already visible.

"Now... either you tell me where you had been today or who that person is?" he said pointing at my phone.

"Nowhere, just at some café, why should I even be telling you about my where abouts?" I clicked at him. Though, I was excited in my head that this was working really well.

"DON'T. DO. THAT... Who the hell were you with? I'm sure you didn't go there alone all dolled up?!" he raised one of his eyebrows

"Why should I even bother telling you, like I said none of your business!" I said trying to lose his grip from my arms


"Like I said its none of my business answering you!" I said in a calm voice while anger was still inside me



"THEN LET ME TELL YOU, WHERE YOU WERE. You were on a date with a guy, flirting, laughing and giggling at his nonsense. Weren't you?" he darkened his eyes

I was shocked at how he got to know about that. Was he there? It's good if he was.

"So what? its not like I did a crime dating someone!" I shrugged my shoulders

"Not a crime?! You think its not a crime dating someone after being married to me?"

"For god's sake its contractual Allen get it in you're head, it ain't real at all!"

I could say he was stunned at that. But why did it feel like I was asking for a real one? Ughh my brain and it's overthinking issues!

*Allen's POV*

At that sentence, I went blank, she was right it's contractual. But wait, she belongs to me and no one can snatch her form me. and that guy, I'll make sure he doesn't see the sun if he continues.

"So what? that doesn't change the fact that I'm you're husband? Now listen, You won't go anywhere without my permission from tomorrow. If I find out you didn't obey me and went out flirting, you will see the side of me no one ever has! and trust me you would not like it at all"

She nodded at that, and made a guilty expression. Did she really agree that quick, that was unbelievable. It made me relieved that she was now under my control I can make her do whatever I want.

"You really thought I was going to, innit?" she snapped back with a smirk.

She played with me? good girl. she does know how to get in my veins.

"You think you can play games with me? Now, before I do anything I regret, better do as I say!"

"And what gives you the rights over me?"

"I. DO!" I groan in anger

"But I don't" she says trying to let go off the grip of my hands still on her arms.

"You know that you can't let you're hands loose unless I do so. So stop even trying"

She then darts her eyes on mine. I love her boldness. Her boldness is something I have never seen in anyone. and i'll make sure she maintains that. 'cause that's my girl. she is actually playing her instead of the role of the female character in that book. this is a fun game for sure.

*Jenna's POV*

With that, I bit his hands as hard as possible but got no reaction from him. so I tried every way possible. From scratching him to taking the fork from the dining table and poking him as hard as possible to scratching his hands with knife.

At this point, his hands had started bleeding but he still won't let go. My heart clenched at what I did but for now I had to control my feelings. I had to show him how much I hate him and how much I want to get away from him.

The smirk on his face was still visible.

Now I had to do something I never thought of doing, though I know that the butterflies would go out of control, but I will force myself to pull it off once his grip loosens.

"What if I make you lose you're grip on me?"

"You can't. the game you played last time won't work." he smirked wider. The veins on his hand were visible as his grip was tight on me.

"What if I do?" I smirked back

"Then you will be free to go wherever you want and I won't ask you a question" I liked at how over-confident he was, which won't last longer.







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