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As I head upstaires excited to see my pup, I walk past his room feeling a harsh breeze escape from his doorway. He left his window open.

Sighing I walk in closing it before putting the radiator on, that should warm up quickly.

After closing his door I head to Enzos room opening it revealing a little pup curled up on the bed under the blanket.

He seems in a deep sleep so I decide not to intrude and close the door heading to my room, looking after Aaron has really tired me out.

Its difficult looking after Aaron after having to look after Seb, I need to deal with them differently which is alot to remember.

Since Aaron isn't my pup I'm limited with punishments, rewards and the way I can keep him preoccupied. He seemed in his right mind today which did make it a bit easier to look after him but he still held the attitude of a teenager.

A couple hours go past as I slowly drift awake, a groan leaves my lips. I hate when I can't get a good nights sleep, looking at the time I notice it's only half 3.

A small noise from downstairs catches my attention. As soon as I'm at the top of the stairs I can smell my pups scent, another small growl escapes my lips.

2 things my wolf disliked most, being woken up and being disobeyed. Seb knows he can't be wondering around after lights are out, walking into the kitchen I see him pearing into the fridge.

1 clear of my throat has him standing tall before turning to see me, "what are you doing up" I ask "thirsty" he responds as if cautious of my actions.

Taking a couple steps till I'm infront of the fridge, I open it grabbing  a bottle of fresh water before handing it to him "come on, back to bed" my wolf was eager to go back to sleep.

Seb slowly shuffled out of the kitchen, he didn't seem all that eager to sleep. Maybe he had a nightmare? Once upstaires I make sure he heads back to his room before heading back to mine, however once in my bed I couldn't get back to sleep.

My wolf was agitated, a strong need to check on the pup kept me awake. I get out of bed and head back to his room slowly opening the door, the sight of him fidgeting showed he was just as restless as me.

"Hey, wanna come sleep with me" I ask him softly, he looks up at me before slowly pulling back his covers and heading out of his room.

Once in my bed again but this time with him beside me my wolf finally seemed to settle. Seb drifted of to sleep instantly with me following not far behind.

The next day Seb was slightly cranky, this was understandable since he hadn't gotten much sleep last night. However, he seemed to be slightly on the edge of being in a younger headspace.

The guys and I have an important meeting today, thankfully it was at home but this meant we had to leave Seb alone for an hour.

It would be alot easier for us to do this knowing he was settled and not distressed but right now he was showing signs of this and nothing else.

"Seb, don't do that" Hank says softly as Seb hits the side of the armchair with his fist, the hits were half heartedly done but there was still room for damage.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Enzo asks trying to distract him, Seb replys with a groan. He's said nothing all day except groan and grunt, for any other occasion this would be him having a tantrum and we wouldn't take kindly to it but this was different.

He seemed confused about his own emotions and didn't seem sure on how to deal with them, punishing him would make us terrible Alpha's.

I watch Seb as he places his hands over his face showing alot of frustration through his actions, placing my phone into my pocket I walk up the sofa and kneel down infront of him.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWhere stories live. Discover now