chapter 2

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Pov: alexander
When we arrive at the station, mom tells me to behave and that I need to go to the break room. I don't want that so I just nod but instead of going to the breakroom I go explore the building. Since I always needed to go  to the breakroom I have  never seen anything but the front desk and the breakroom itself. I walk into a huge room where I see a little room made out of glass and another bigger room made out of glass. Other than those two rooms I only see desks. Then I see my dad and sargent Grey going into the small room so I quickly go back to the front desk. Sargent Grey and I met once when I came here for the first time.

At the front desk I walk past smitty " Hey Alex aren't you supposed to be in the breakroom" he asks "Did mom tell you to come check on me again"  ,, maybe" ,, do me a favor and don't listen to her I'll gave you 5 bucks"  ,, deal" he answer

That was easy. So that means that nobody is checking on me and I can do whatever I want now. I go into a hallway with only doors. I open the first door and I see nolan and Celina questioning a man. "Ow sorry" I say ,, alexander what are you doing here?" He asks ,,I was just going to the bathroom" I say and I shut the door before he has time to answer

Okay I need to be more careful. I go to the next door and listen if I hear anything. Nothing so that means I can go inside. I open the door and is see a room full of boxes. I go inside and see a key in the keyhole. Alright I can do something with this room like I can make a place where I can just chill without someone interrupting me. Maybe I can sneak Ben in here too.

I pick up a box. These aren't even that heavy. I wonder what could be in here so I open it. They are full of books but in each box there are only 5 books thats why it isn't heavy. I open all the boxes and I organize them. I fold all the boxes and put them in a wallmart bag. What can I do with the books. There are like hundreds of them. I put them all in another bag and I place the two bags against a wall.

I look at my phone and see it's almost time for lunch. Mom made some pasta for me to eat. But I forgot it , now I need to buy something but I gave all my money to smitty. I think I'm gonna ask nolan for some money.

I go to the room i was in earlier. I don't see him. I know I'm not supposed to go outside but  I'm so hungry so I need to find him. I walk out of the station and see a Celina sitting at a table with two other people. I assume they are the new rookies. Maybe it's better to ask them for money. I wait until Celina and the other girl are gonne. Now the boy is all alone. I look around to see if mom dad or nolan is looking at me.

Nobody is looking so I quickly go to the boy. " Hey officer" I say " hello I'm officer walker what can I help you with." He says "Would you have some money for the hungry people" I ask him "yes of course here you go 10 bucks" ,, may God bless you " I say and I walk towards the food truck.

Pov: lucy
I I'm eating lunch with nolan. Tim just left to go talk to sargent Grey about a missing girl. We are talking about that girl until nolan asks something " euhm lucy why is your rookie giving money to alexander?"
,, he is doing what now"  ,, look" nolan says and I look at the table where the rookies were eating. It's true he is giving alexander money.
"Look it's to buy some food. He is walking towards the food truck" says nolan. "Hey boy come back." My boot shouts. Alex doesn't listen. He just site down at a table.

Officer walker (real name is Andrew walker) shouts again and than he goes to the table where my son is sitting. Nolan and I also go to that table.

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