Kempfer on the Brea'ol River

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Our first stop in our trip toward the capital city of Helios was the small farming town of Kempfer. It was ruled over by the king's cousin: Prince James Orelious IV, Duke of Kempfer, and its main claim to fame were it's farms that specialized in medicinal plants. Though, I was told that many farmers here also grew several different root vegetables.

I had to admit that it had been quite some time since my last salad, but, even as a dragon, the thought of having French fries again was rather tempting. Mind you, I had no clue if a dragon could even digest vegetables, but I could not see a massive fire dinosaur being taken out by carrots and lettuce, so I was fairly sure that it would be fine. Probably give me gas though.

My first hint that we were coming upon Kempfer was when I started to hear water. Captain Keith Loric had already told me that the city-or town really- had been built along the Brea'ol River, where the large snaking body of fast flowing water narrowed the most: just before it's bend. So I was not surprised that, when we crested a hill, I saw my first ever house in this strange new world.

It appeared to be constructed with dark colored timber and some kind of plaster and it had blue tiles of some kind on its high, slopped roof. It looked quaint, pretty and very much like something I would not fit in and also not break everything. This pretty pink dragon was no longer fit for human habitations. Not unless I took my other form, at any rate.

"Good." Loric sighed to my left. He had taken a brief rest in the supply wagon a couple hours ago, and had just recently resumed his post at my side. Or, rather, at the royal carriages side, but I assumed I was currently occupying the spot he normally would be marching in so that I could converse with the carriages occupants. He had not complained, so I didn't bother bring it up with the man. "I was starting to think we would not make it here before night fall."

"Er, will it really be alright for me to enter the town?" I asked, still unsure. "Won't the towns people be upset to have a dragon in their streets?"

"No, you should be just fine Allura. By no means are dragons common in Kempfer, but they are not unheard of either. It is one of the more important bastions of the Orelious kingdom, and therefore, has Dragoons passing through a couple times a year. It is not, however, designed around the comfort of dragon kind, I am afraid."

I blinked my big green eyes at the man, confused. "Comfort?" I had just spent the last couple months of my life either in a tree, or under one. I hardly think comfort would be too much of an issue.

"He means that, unlike Helios, Kempfer was not constructed with dragons in mind." I heard Leon say from within his gilded, wooden cage on wheals. Princess Serenity had fallen asleep some time ago in the lap of Hannah, who had followed her into the dream world not long after. I assumed that the bandit attack had taken a lot out of the pair of them. But Leon had stayed awake, and though we spoke, I could tell that being cooped up did not suit the prince well at all. "The streets are not wide enough to accommodate a full grown dragon, nor are any of the main buildings equipped to cater to them either."

"I won't fit?" I asked, suddenly feeling like I might have a weight problem. Which was stupid. I was a dang dragon, I was supposed to be big. Besides, I thought I looked rather stunning if I did say so myself! 

Ah, dragon vanity at it's finest. As a human I had not cared overly much how I looked, not even bothering with makeup unless my sister had threatened me with an extra 'good time' if I didn't at least put in a little effort for our get togethers. But, lately I had caught myself admiring the way the sun played on my scales, or how my horns looked oh so very clean and white in the reflection of the lake.

Loric chuckled, and flashed me a soft smile. I got the feeling it was not an expression he wore often, but really should, he was quite the handsome man, even if human males were no longer my cup of tea.

Dragon Reincarnated (Working title)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt