💙A Smart Cookie and A "Sick" Chicken💛

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   I woke up to a light thud in the other room. As I sat upright and rubbed my sleepy eyes, I noticed all of my little critter-kids gone. Panic engulfed me, as I jumped up and ran to open the door. My heart was jn my throat when I saw Dogday dangling from the fridge with a box of cereal underneath him on the floor. I rushed and grabbed Dogday down from the fridge and carried him to the living room, setting him down on the couch and went back to lift up the cereal box.

   I finished making breakfast which was strawberry pancakes and some strawberry milk for their beverage.

  "Kids! Comes eat!" I yelled with a kind tone, as all of them come running, hoping up on chairs and began to eat. Catnaps ate slowly, and left the table shortly after, along with his siblings finishing their means as well as you too.

"Who wants to come with me for a walk?" I ask putting on my socks and shoes. All the critters jump up and down begging to be chosen.  I look around for the perfect one to chose, Catnap wasn't an option though, he doesn't like leaving home. It hurts me since I know exactly why. As I scanned the room for a sitter to chose, I decided Bobby could come with.

  All the others "Aww'ed" to not be chosen, but they understood that they would be chosen next time. I placed on Bobby's small black tights and pink hoodie, along with her pink hat before we left out the door.

I bought a stroller for them since they are very toddler like, and could get lost if not contained. Bobby loved the beautiful blue sky, and pointed at unique birds when she saw them. As Bobby pointed to another bird, she pointed at something else too.

  I looked the way she did, and I could see a little yellow tail, along with sneezing and coughing. Bobby looked worried, and so did I. And walk over, strolling Bobby with me, when I saw it. A little yellow chicken with a star necklace, and a baby blue elephant with a lightbulb necklace in a small box. I unstrapped Bobby from the stroller, and went to help the defenseless souls.

   "Hey, are you two Ok?" I asked the blue elephant, who was holding his sick avian friend in the box.

The little elephant looked at me for a moment with hesitation, before he finally spoke up.

  "N-no, he's sick a-and-" He stopped his sentence, as tears filled in his eyes. It was very noticeable. Bobby look and at with worry, and whispered in my ear.

  "Couls we take them in Momma?" She whispered softly. I hesitated, having 8 critters wad gonna be a handful, but I'd rather have a hard time dealing with them them leaving a sick avian and cold mammal alone in these cruel streets. I nodded to Bobby, and could tell she was very happy. 

  I carefully lifted the sick chicken into the stroller, and picked up the elephant with my right hand, pushing the stoller with ny left. I'd have to clean it later to not risk the others getting as sick as the coughing avian. Bobby wad comfortable walking along my side, even people looked at us weirdly, but soon after didn't Care anymore.

   I finally made it home and flung open the door, closing it quickly behind me. I rushed to get the chicken out of the stoller and into the bathroom. All of the others looked at me confused and worried, I even heard them asking Bobby what happened. The elephant waited patiently on the toilet lid, watch me help his weak friend, who would soon be his sibling.

I washed up the chicken, who tried his best to not breathe in any soap as he coughed. When I was finished, I went and made some soup for him, and laid a cold rag on his feathery forehead. As the  avian laid on the couch, I washed and fed the baby blue mammal some dinner, along with the others as well. I told them to not go near the chicken to not get sick too, and they understood.

"Hey, what's your and your friends names?" I asked the elephant, who was fiddling with his fingers looking at the chicken over and over again.

"I-im Bubba Bubbaphant, you can call me Bubba." He began slowly.

"And he's Kickin chicken, he perfers being called Kickin"

I nodded and gave him a hug to relive some stress, and the others hugged him to. I asked Bubba what the lightbulb meant, and he told me he was smart, but not smart enough to tell Kickins sickness. I explained it was a simple fever, and he would get better after about a week, which made Bubba give me a warm smile.

  Bedtime had struck like lightning, and a gathered all the critters to my bedroom, and made a warm spot for the  sick avian, close to the bed so he didn't feel left out. We all laid in bed, Catnap and Dogday slept in their everyday spot, as the others slept in random spots around the bed, and Kickin sleeped in his custom bed for now.

(893 words)

(I got lazy, but this WILL CONTINUE!)


POV: you adopted the smiling critters! (2 by 2 tho..)Where stories live. Discover now