Episode 4: The Dinner

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Cooking is one activity that unites people together. My idea of being invited to dinner was entirely different from what I got at the Awosanya's place.

The set date for the dinner meeting came and I was prepared, I had learnt how to use the cutlery, how to pour myself a glass of wine and also how not to drop my food on the table (a habit that lived with me from childhood). I really wanted to fit into their status quo, believing that would make them trust my work more.

I was about to step out of the house when an unknown call came in; 'Good morning, Mr Juwon, sorry to bother you. I sent a driver to pick you up, he should be at your place already. I hope you don't mind.' Sarah said over the phone. 'Oh. Good morning, miss. Sure, I don't. Thanks.' I replied peeping out of my window to see a blue sedan parked on the other side of the street.

I walked out of the house hoping to have the day smoothly as I've had it planned in my head. Get to the house, exchange pleasantries with the people present, share a toast and probably eat whatever meal is prepared.
'Hi, good morning. Are you Mr Juwon?' a staunch looking man asked. 'Yes, I'm' I answered looking quite impressed. 'Alright, Miss Sarah asked me to drive you to the house'

The journey so far was a quiet one. I wanted to ask a lot of questions, but then, how much can a staff member know about the people he's working for, I said to myself. I gave it a try nevertheless. 'Sorry, Mr...' 'call me Steve, sir, my name is Steve' he said with a smile and a quick bow. I guess he was equally looking forward to having a conversation with me as well.

'What's working with the Awosanyas like?' I asked, being careful with my words. He smiled again and it got me wondering if smiling was one of the requirements of the job. 'they are not bad at all, sir. They're literally the best employers I've had ever since I started driving. 'Impressive' I remarked.

But I wanted more, those were superficial comments. I really wanted to know what it seems like being around them before entering into the yard. 'So, you've never had any problems with them since you started working for them?' I inquired. 'Not really, they once paid my wife's hospital bills and my first daughter is actually on scholarship till she leaves college, thanks to them. They are nice, although they have their family troubles, still, they're really nice people. I believe my colleagues can say the same of them' Steve said.

For some reason, I felt at ease. Finally, we were at our destination. 'Wow' I exclaimed. The edifice that stared at me in the eye was by far the most magnificent thing I've seen in my life. While we drove in, the guys at the security desk waved at steve, they were equally looking smart and well groomed. As we drove through, I glanced through both sides of the lawn. There were so many trees and trees of different species but one caught my attention, 'The African lily', it had bluish petals.

The car finally came to a halt. 'We're here, sir' Mr Steve said as he stepped down from the car. I came down from the car as well and was awestruck, the fragrance in the air was natural and unexplainable. I have never seen a place like this. 'You're welcome' I turned around to the rather familiar voice, Miss Sarah. She looked twice as beautiful as I last saw her. Although, she wasn't having any earrings on her this time around. "You've got a majestic edifice here, I must say and the environment, I don't think I've seen anything as beautiful as this before' I remarked.

'Thank you, but please let's go in' Sarah said while smiling. A maid asked if she could help me with the package I held. 'Oh, thanks. I gave her the bottle of wine I held.

We got to the kitchen and there were beautiful faces who were all smiles as they were engaged in a conversation. One more glance, then it occurred to me what type of dinner this was.

To be continued...

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