chapter 26

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Calix's POV

"Your Highness! You can't be possibly serious, is she really the new Empress?" Josie exclaimed with concern.

"You spent so hard on your Empire and to make sure your siblings have enough resources—" I cut her off before she can say anything problematic.

"Why are you so worried? She's my older sister, you just haven't had the chance to notice how I grew up with her." I smiled at her.

"Her wisdom is like a gem glowing with brilliance in times of crisis, and if she's having trouble handling the kingdom then I'll be here, just for her." Josie pouted at me and nodded.

I held her hand and gazed into her beautiful eyes, "I promised you didn't I? I'll shape this kingdom into something you'll want to live in. There's no other person that can achieve that kind of change other than her."


Anastasia's POV

"Your Hig- Your Majesty!!" Cordelia came rushing into my office, the preparation for me to assess the kingdom affairs were very quick that they rushed me to the royal office.

I still remember the conversation my father and I had, where I was informed that the Empress held much power then.

Thankfully, Calix killed them off one by one slowly to not raise suspicion.

"What is it Delia?" I sighed as I placed another stack of papers next to me that I already had signed.

"Your uncle! T-the Grand Duke is here!" I raised a brow while Cordelia seemed restless and dumfounded.

"The Grand Duke Nikoli is here, your Majesty!!" She erupted and rushed out of the room, she looked stressed. Well, a Grand Duke visiting is an honor for the head maid of the palace.

What does my uncle want with me? The last time the Nikoli family and I had a discussion was with Isaac his first-born.


"Greetings to Her Majesty." My uncle bowed as the knight besides us widened his eyes at his master.

He was about to speak when the Grand Duke cut him off.

"Good morning Grand Duke Nikoli, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I raised a brow and smiled.

"I must say, your office really screams...royal blood." His gaze judged the interior of the room, rightfully so considering my father was the one who fought for my custody and probably had been involved with the missing case of my mother.

And probably because him and the Grand Duke had a duel and my uncle lost, which was intentional for some reason.

"I haven't got the time to redecorate the place," I point out the massive pile of files on my desk as I spoke.

"As you can observe perfectly." I heard the first time my uncle chuckled as he nodded in acknowledgement.

"Well, if you need any help. Just let your old uncle be informed, alright?" He smiles so casually that it almost caught me off guard.

"That won't be necessary, but I'm assured to know that a Grand Duke of your prestige has offer his kindness to me." I smiled at him while he looked displeased.

"Was all that you need to discuss with me, Grand Duke?" I raised a brow while he shook his head.

He ordered the assistant with him to hand him a scroll, when he opened it a map revealed itself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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