twenty-three | dance, love

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The Ball is in two hours and three minutes. 

For the entire day, Lucie has been prepping me. She's picked out a stunning pink ballgown with matching pearl earrings and white heels. I've never worn heels in my life. 

I have taken a bath that consisted of roses and salt, and I've put dozens of oils into my hair. Now, my entire body shines like a lightbulb. 

"You look like a newborn baby, Evelyn," Rose, Warren's sister, laughs from beside me, continuing on with her makeup as I sit incredibly still whilst Lucie curls my hair. 

"Thanks?" I reply, a smile on my lips. 

Elizabeth is next to her daughter, putting a deep shade of red onto her lips. "Rose is not the best at compliments, dear, but you look lovely. Warren will be pleased." 

My face turns a bright shade of red. "Excuse me?" I ask, trying to remain polite. Ever since the marriage conversation I overheard, I've been weary. 

Everyone around me is still acting normally. They smile and chat and laugh. I know, though, that inside their heads, they are conspiring to ruin my life forever. 

It's not like I hate Warren. I like him. I like him more than I should. Under any other circumstance, if this was a normal family, I'd be ready to marry him— his dazzling eyes, dark hair, sharp jaw— 

No. Pull yourself together, Eve.

This is not a normal family. I do not live a normal life. This life I was born into goes against humanity. This life of mine crushes your soul until there's nothing left. 

They might smile at you. They might show you beautiful clothes and jewelry. They might reel you in so deep with pleasure that it's too late to resurface, and you drown in them. 

I can't let that happen to me. It happened to my mother, Lucie, Elizabeth...they were all roped in and now they can't escape, no matter how hard they try. 

My mother was lucky. She got out easy. She died doing something noble—birthing the first girl in the Rhodes family in generations. 

"Don't you fancy my son? You two are always together," Elizabeth asks, still smiling. Lucie finishes curling my hair, and I stand up, my cheeks burning. 

"Warren and I are friends..." 

"You're wearing the necklace he got you," Rose points out, slyly smiling at me, her eyes flickering with amusement. I play along and chuckle. 

"He is charming," I muster out. 

"You know, darling, you and Warren would make such a cute couple. You're such a beauty, and he is handsome. Imagine your children!" Lucie squeals. 


The door opens before anyone can say anything else, and all eyes turn to none other than God-looking Warren Bertelli. Rose actually chuckles. 

Warren raises an eyebrow, his gaze directing onto me. His eyes widen almost in surprise, before he says in a smooth tone, "Hello, ladies. May I steal Lily from you?" 

Lucie practically squeals, and pushes me right into Warren's confused arms. He steadies me, and glances over at the women behind me. 

"Take her away! Just don't be late for the ball," Elizabeth winks. I think I will die of embarrassment. Warren just laughs, and takes my elbow gently, leading me away. 

We walk for a few moments in silence down the hallway before Warren says, "Those women are something." I don't say anything. He stops me, hands on my shoulders. "What's wrong?" 

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