I - My Deskmate Is a Goddamn Dragon!

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[Nicholas's P.O.V.]

We are not used to change.
Technically, as a vigilante team, we should be ready for anything, but our leader hates when things go the way she isn't used to. Fearing some incoming disaster, she decided to reunite almost all people involved in the change and discuss the potential dangers of a new school.
The house was completely silent that morning, as always, although quite a big family and their pet cats dwelled in the duplex. The foster parents and the two youngest children were probably still peacefully sleeping, each one in their own bedroom.
The same could not be said of the secret headquarters under the building's foundations, where five people were idle in the lounge room. Some were conversing, while others, like me, were looking at their mobile phones, but all of them were seated around a large metal table.
- So, why did you send us down here? -
- And 30 minutes before the first period, if that wasn't riling enough - Edward interjected, then sat back in his chair.
The leader narrowed her eyes in contempt.
- Nice question, Henry. I've gathered you all in the lounge room to discuss together the first day of school - Stella repeatedly clapped and managed to get their attention.
- As we are forced to enroll in different schools once a few years elapse... -
- Blame Henry and his amazing ability - Edward interrupted her once again.
- Shut the fuck up and be grateful every now and then! - the other aggressively replied, as usual.
- Language. Can I continue my speech? -
Edward grinned as Henry grudgingly apologized, then crossed his arms.
While Stella and the two middle schoolers pretended to be adults, I was bothering Valerie with useless questions while she played Solitario without using her hands.
- So, today I'll be a junior for the fifth time, huh? -
- Uh, yes... I wonder how far school will be in a few years. -
- You know, Val... some people go to school by bus, others on feet, or by car... I personally prefer teleportation. -
Her pink eyes went brighter and all the cards lifted in the air, then went back on the table into one perfectly tidy deck.
- Freeloader - she snorted, and I sighed.
- Are Julianne and Layla still sleeping? -
- Of course they are. Their lessons start next week. -
- Good for them - I muttered before grabbing my bread loaf and biting into it. A tough day awaited us.
Stella stood up and motioned for us to listen.
- I've done some research and apparently, there's a dark, usually empty alley half a kilometer from the school. I have the exact coordinates and I copied to the RAAC clipboard the code to teleport you there every day. -
This time, we were the ones to clap.
- It's about time! -
- And that's not all. According to my calculations, if we teleport at least 20 minutes before the periods, we're also gonna go unnoticed, which is always appreciated. -
- Alright, then. Let's go. -
There was no need to hold each other's hand when the teleporter was Stella's RAAC. That device only required a textual input to change an object's characteristics, provided that the order was precisely formulated and written in some kind of programming language. It was the RAAC that built our hideout, as well helped us with tools and stuff. It was so efficient that sometimes we suspected Stella was a robot with an alien reality-altering device.
Each one of us grabbed their school bag and patiently waited for her to work her magic.
- There's only one uncertain parameter. I hope that nothing is in the way. -
- Stop it with the scientific bullshit, just do it. - Henry interrupted her. - We're gonna be late! And... -
He didn't have time to finish the sentence before we found ourselves in a dark alley.
My vision had blurred for a very short moment and it was as if I had lost strength for an equally short moment. I had almost fallen to my knees. It wasn't the first time I'd been teleported by Stella's RAAC; it's just very hard to get used to it, at least for people who can't normally teleport on their own, which meant everyone but Edward, who was immensely proud of it.
After a quick look around I deduced that no one could have seen us.
The five of us were surrounded by every type of trashcan known to man, each overflowing with bags of trash. Not to mention the piles of dog crap scattered throughout the alley. What a shitty way to start a day. And it wasn't over yet.
- Where's Henry? -
In that moment, one of the narrowest trashcans tipped over; Henry crawled out of it like a maggot, preceded by glass bottles and pizza cartons. He got up pushing on the splinter-strewn ground.
Sometimes, geniuses too fail at math, specially when in a hurry.
Even though my skin is almost completely sterile I was glad it had happened to him and not to me.
- Shit! How did this even happen, Stella? -
- Calm down Henry, the RAAC will make you new clothes in a split second. -

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