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She woke up. Again.

She was tired of the cycle. The cycle of waking up and going to sleep. Let it stop.


The alarm signalled a new morning. How much she hated mornings. How much she hated that alarm.

Lights flickered into the dark room and landed on her face, stirring her to life from her earlier dead-like position. If she wasn't dead already. She sat up into a lotus position and put her arms over her head, stretching her upper body and it ached.

"Tired" She murmured.

She rose from her bed slowly, still very sleepy, but this was a routine and so her body moved on its own to where her towels hung then next to the bathroom. Her legs wobbled and her eyes strained to keep open, the meagre 4 hours of sleep out of her supposed 8 hours made her that way. She had had a small something hours session on her bed with her pillow.

Hanging the towel on the stand and glancing at her reflection for a mere second, she decided to use another tub of soap, other than the usual one that made her feel sticky and made a mental note to hide it from her mother. It would make Farah angry.

She sat on the toilet seat, hoping to let out any water she had drunk. She had this habit of drinking water before sleep and would wake up in the middle of the night for a sip or two. She slumped her upper body on her knees and reached for her tiny toes that wiggled a good morning at her as she made herself a hot bath. The usual scalding hot bath.

In the hope, the pain would give her something. Anything.

"Ahh~" A sigh. She sighs a lot. The girl with red and blue eyes. That one.

As she finished her business, she immediately got into the shower, not wanting to waste another second. Her red strings fell to her waist and her blue balls dimmed thinking. She also contemplates a lot.

The hot water squirted out of the showerhead upon turning the knob and fell in steady strings on her plump body. It fell from her hair to her eyes, dripped down her lashes to her chin, down the curve of her hips, between her legs, and down her legs. The water stung her, she wanted to flinch from its hot grips but she stayed under it as her pale skin rose to a soft pink. To a furious red.

It did not give her what she hoped. She never got anything, really.

After about 30-something minutes, she cut off the source, water stuck to her skin and at the same time slid off. She had forgotten to use a different tub of soap.

One swipe...

Two wipes...

And finished.

She looked at herself in the now-clear mirror, haze was however still tucked to the sides. Blue tired eyes that suck the life out of anything just by a mere look, red strings of soft hair that crowned her face in waves, freckles, beauty marks on her lower lip, left and right cheek, and a smile, no... and her lips that got rigid from the lack of it's smiling muscles. All said she was very expressive-only when truly happy or surprised and that only happened when she wanted it to be. You can't make a person smile if they don't want to.

She lifted her hand and started curling her lashes, fixing her hair, and then lifted the corners of her lips in a failed attempt at a smile.

"Too awkward".

She tried again, this time to the sides.

"Mhhm" She pondered.

She tried again. Using her pinky fingers on both sides and it was close. She carefully removed her fingers as if worried it would break but she moved an inch faster.

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