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  It's raining like crazy but I went outside to check on the den that I made, there were no coyotes, but it was flooded 😔

Omg it's storming so bad we just saw a funnel cloud I'm scared the streets are all flooded, Irs reminding me of the alleyways

I just got a memory of my past life, the alleyway was flooded and me and the two other dogs and we were all huddled behind some black trash cans, and we were in basically the only dry-ish spot but we were sopping wet and cold.

I'm freaking out there are rotating clouds everywhere, all of the streets are flooded we passed a manhole that is spewing water an there is just a dude standing on it 

My mom had to turn off the radio because of how much we're panicking 

There's a quarry we drove by on our way here and it was not filled with water and now it's really flooded 


We aren't in a very rainy spot anymore so I'm not panicking anymore 

I'm thinking back to that memory though, It was the beginning of spring I think, there were some flowers but there was also brown snow-slush, me and the two dogs were all muddy, I'm smaller in that memory than the ones I've had so far, so I think I was a young dog at the time, not fully grown, but I wasn't puppy-sized 

I doubt I'll ever have many puppy memories because of childhood amnesia (which happens in dogs as well as humans, and in many species)

I'm on my way to Niagara Falls now, so I'll put in photos of the place, but I might make those photos their own album.

Oh yeah! I also got a voice role of a character in an short animated series on discord :)


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