The greatest gift of all

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It was a partly cloudy day in smiling valley, and Craftycorn was standing on a hillside, doing her favorite hobby, painting the pretty sky.

All of a sudden, she hears someone walk up behind her, so she turns to see who it is.
It was her furry feline friend.

"Oh hi catnap!" she says with a smile. "How are you?"

Catnap waves hello and gives her a thumbs up.

"That's good." crafty says as she continues to paint. "What are you up to?"

'Nothing much, but I have a question.' Catnap signs in response.

"What is it?" crafty asks.

Catnap smiles. 'Can I borrow some paint?' he signs.

Crafty nods. "Sure, but what do you need it for?" she replies.

'I'm making a gift for a friend,' Catnap signs. 'It's a metal flower that will never wilt, so he can keep it forever.'

Crafty smiles. "Aww that's sweet." she says, opening up her paint box. "What colors?"

'Yellow, brown and green.'

Crafty nods, handing him the jars of paint. "Don't use them all, and bring them back when you're done ok?"

Nap nods. 'Ok.' he smiles as he starts to walk off. 'Thanks crafty.'

Crafty smiles. "You're welcome!" she says as she gets back to painting.

When catnap gets back to his place, he gets started on painting his gift, a pretty metal sunflower, which was for Dogday. He thought that since Dogday does so much for the other critters as their leader, he deserves something nice.

He works for a few hours on it, making sure every detail from stem to petals is perfect.
Once he's done, he looks over it, smiling.

"I hope he likes it..." Catnap whispers to himself.

A bit later, after giving crafty her paints back, he then goes to give Dogday his gift, walking to the most west point of the valley to the large orange doghouse.

Taking a breath, he knocks on his door.

A moment later, Dogday opens it.
"Oh hi catnap!" He says, a bright smile appearing on his face. "What are you doing here?"

Catnap waves hello and smiles. 'I have something for you.'

Day's eyes sparkle. "Ooh, a gift? What is it?"

Nap giggles a bit. 'Close your eyes and hold out your hands.'

Dogday nods and does so.

Catnap nervously hands him the flower, then whispers, "okay, open up."

Day opens his eyes and looks at the flower, his eyes going wide and blushing a bit.

'I thought that, since you always do nice things for the rest of us, I should do something nice for you...' Catnap signs, shyly.

"Aww nap, that's so sweet!" Dogday says gently, admiring it. "I really love it!"

Nap smiles happily. 'I'm glad you like it.'

Day then makes a rash decision, and kisses catnap on the cheek.
"Thank you so so so so much!"

Catnap freezes, turning red.

Day realizes what he just did, turning red as well.
"U-uh, sorry!" he says. "I didn't know what I was-"

He didn't get any more words out before catnap bolted.

He ran all the way back to his house, only stopping after he closed the door, leaning back on it.

He then feels his cheek softly.
'D-did he really just..."

DayNap/SleepyDay/DayDream storiesWhere stories live. Discover now