Chapter 22: Recovery

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Lucifer looked at the Speaker Angel with pity in his eyes. He knew that the angel was unwilling to do all this, simply forced by his oh-so great father. "It's fine. I know you didn't want to." he reached out his hand to comfort him but one of the Speaker Angel's wings stretched out, preventing him from touching him. "I don't deserve your forgiveness." he replies in a weak tone, looking away, his echoey voice turning normal for once. The Speaker Angel gets to his feet, his wings spreading. Lucifer stands up behind him, looking on worriedly, "If you return, you know they'll criticize you." he comments, ready to stop him. "No, please. Don't stop me. I have to at least face my mistakes." he turns to Lucifer, his wings covering his face. Lucifer's expression turns to genuine worry as he realizes that there was nothing he could do to prevent him from going. "Wait! At least.. tell me why you support my daughter so much.. I know you were fighting against those chains all this time." he tells him as he steps closer. The Speaker Angel turns away again, "It's for.. personal reasons. I simply saw that Heaven's authority is more corrupt than we think, and that your daughter might be the one to overthrow them for good.." he replies in a low tone. "I'll take care of everything. Please rest well your majesty." his echoey voice returns as he turns back to Lucifer for the final time before bowing down and taking off. Lucifer stretches his hand out, trying to stop him, "Wait! No-", but before his words reached the Speaker Angel, he was already gone through the portal.

He looks down, worried about what his father might do to the angel. Suddenly he coughs up golden blood, his injuries were finally getting to him. He collapses on the ground, panting and weak. He drops his axe, turning it back to his apple staff. He retracts his wings back and laid on the ground, his hand covering his wounds. Charlie rushes to him, taking his nearly unconscious body into her arms. "Dad! Hang on there! We'll get you stitched right back up!" she yells at him, gently shaking him as the others approached. "Sheesh, that looks pretty bad." Angel remarks, bending down to take a better view. "Ya' think?" Husk snaps at him in a sassy tone. "Oh shit. Got your ass kicked didn't you Luci?" Adam comments, a sarcastic smile playing on his lips. Lute appears beside him, carrying some gauze. "Oh, thanks Lute! Vaggie, can you help me put those on dad?" Charlie asks her girlfriend politely. Vaggie begrudgingly takes the gauze from Lute, their icy glares meeting. Charlie wraps her father's wounds in gauze. By now, Lucifer had completely passed out from blood loss. Charlie carried him inside the hotel for his recovery, but she was growing increasingly worried since her father was unresponsive, it seemed like he had gone into a coma.


The Speaker Angel appears at the pearly gates, but instead of being greeted by Peter or Emily and Sera, he was greeted by the big G himself, "So you have returned.." he asks, seeming casual at first. Speaker Angel tightens his grip on his staff, preparing for the storm that was about to come, "It has been done.". God glares at him, his eyes red with fury. "SO YOU REALLY THINK THAT I WOULDN'T KNOW THAT YOU HAVE FAILED?!" he shouts at him, his voice booming. "I told you before so. I will NOT follow your orders!" he shouts back, slamming his staff onto the ground. "How disappointing. However, I am willing to give you a second chance because I am just and merciful." he smiles widely, his sclera turning back to white. "Just DON'T screw it up. It's a very simple task after all." he tells him in a stern tone, the Speaker Angel's eyes narrowed in anticipation. "Next month. Instead of an extermination, we shall have a Heavenly meeting. That includes the delusional father and daughter. And what I want you to do is.. simply agree with whatever I say. Doesn't that sound easy? A small price and you can officially become my right-hand man. Aren't I just righteous?" he laughs hysterically before stopping suddenly to glare at the Speaker Angel. "You're planning something. You already know my reply 'God'. It's a flat no." he replies sternly, his fingers tapping his staff. God's eyes turn red again as he gets closer to the Speaker Angel, "I am NOT asking. You wouldn't want me to use the chains again would you?" he smirks evilly as he snapped his fingers and bright glowing chains appear, surrounding the Speaker Angel from all sides. The Speaker Angel grits his teeth, but because he didn't want to be forced to hurt his secret lover again, he hesitantly nods. "Yes, my liege.." he begrudgingly replies, making the chains disappear and God smile widely. "Now that's more like it. You're starting to become my new favorite." he laughs as he disappears into a cloud of white smoke, leaving the Speaker Angel.

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