Chapter 29 - Snare

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One week had passed in a blink and Megatron still hadn't gotten up. Lauren continued to work on him from the moment her eyes opened till the very second she couldn't hold her eyelids up any longer. She hadn't seen him in her dreams since the last time they'd encountered each other, but she wasn't complaining, too preoccupied with the repairs at hand.

There was always more work to do, she found. More wires to be crimped and soldered, always a new dent to ding out. It was tiring, but nobody could say it wasn't honest work. Her muscles grew fatigued with how much she overworked herself, but she didn't let that stop her, not one bit.

Scalpel, despite his creepiness, had been a great help in the whole ordeal. Sure, his growing pile of junk scrap wasn't all that helpful, but she'd bite her tongue if it meant he'd continue to help. She'd even like to say she was growing use to his arachnid-esque appearance, but truthfully, the way he crawled around was still too uncanny.

As time droned on, she found it easier to tune out the decepticons. Soundwave was silent in his own right and Barricade grumbled and complained like a brooding teenager, they were easy. Starscream and Laserbeak, not so much. The bird was growing a fondness for snatching tools from her hands simply to inconvenience her and if he wasn't being a total nuance, then he was perched just above her, his beady eyes burning holes into the back of her skull. The woman could practically feel his dark thoughts.

Nitrozeus was in a league of his own and rarely did she find his banter humorous, it was usually just crudely crafted jabs.

Blackout came and went as he pleased, but at least he wasn't completely unbearable. He could be helpful on his good days, which were few and far between, but they added up.

The rust hadn't been too much of a pain to chip away, but it seemed that every time she cleared away one area of corrosion, another popped up just as quickly. It was frustrating to say the very least and she was running low on shirt-turned-rags. No matter, she would diligently continue to battle the metal-eating disease. Surely, it didn't feel well, right?

Her chest tugged and she took a moment to spare the mech a glance before sliding off his chassis, blowtorch in hand. Brunette tresses tickled the nape of her neck since being tied up with a spare shred of cloth. The smallest of the wounds on his side chassis had been welded over with small bits of scrap the spider decepticon had, oh so graciously, dragged in.

The largest of the wounds and, arguably the crippling one, was near complete to being shut, but she'd underestimated the sheer size of the hole once again.

Lauren had managed to patch over 99% of the gaping hole, including the exit wound on his back. Barricade and Blackout had not been happy about her requests to lay their leader face down like some nameless corpse. Nevertheless, they obliged.

The brunette had already made two excursions to the abandoned city for parts. Nitrozeus accompanied her once and never again would she allow that. She could do it on her own without getting laughed at, and she did. It took more time than she'd of liked, but hey, she did it her God damn self.

The weather was beginning to cool ever so slightly, signaling the season change. What month it was, she hadn't a clue and almost didn't want to know. Does it snow in Illinois? She's never seen snowfall and if now wasn't the best time for new experiences, she didn't know when that time would come. Throw caution to the wind, right?

"Where are you going? Report." Soundwave inquired, approaching with is optics trained on her small form.

Wiping her dirty hands along her pants, she answered. "Need a few more pieces of metal and I'm low on food. I'm going to head into the city." Her hands planted themselves upon her hips.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora