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Isaac's pov

I just told Lillie I was going to the bathroom. I wasn't. I walked out the back door to eli " hey man you ready?" he passes me the flowers and chocolate and followss me in with his phone filming me, "get ready" eli see's Lillie look up. "Lillie-Jean Grace Wilder, will you be my girlfriend?" I hold up the flowers and chocolate and she comes running over I quickly place down my items and  embrace her in a kiss.

#A week later#

Lillie watched as the cherry blossoms swirled gently in the breeze, their delicate petals creating a mesmerizing dance against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. She sat on the grassy knoll of the park, a book in her lap, but her attention was far from the words on the pages. Today was different, special even, because today she was meeting Isaac.Isaac was someone she had known for a couple of months. But lately, something had changed. Their conversations had taken on a new depth, a subtle shift that made Lillie's heart flutter whenever she thought about it.As if summoned by her thoughts, Isaac appeared on the path leading to the knoll, a smile spreading across his face when he saw Lillie sitting there. "Hey," he greeted, his voice soft and warm."Hey," Lillie replied, unable to contain her own smile. She closed her book and patted the grass beside her, inviting him to join her.Isaac settled down beside her, his eyes taking in the beauty of the cherry blossoms. "It's so peaceful here," he remarked, his voice filled with wonder."Yeah, it's one of my favorite spots," Lillie agreed, stealing a glance at him out of the corner of her eye. There was something about the way he looked at the world, with curiosity and appreciation, that made her heart skip a beat.For a while, they sat in companionable silence, the only sounds being the rustle of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds. Lillie felt a sense of contentment wash over her, a feeling of being exactly where she was supposed to be."I was thinking," Isaac began, breaking the silence, "we should do something fun today. Maybe grab some ice cream and wander around the park?"Lillie's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That sounds amazing! I know a great ice cream place not too far from here."They stood up, brushing grass off their clothes, and set off on their impromptu adventure. The sun was warm on their skin, and the laughter that bubbled between them felt like music in the air.At the ice cream parlor, they debated over flavors, finally settling on a mix of their favorites in a shared cone. They strolled through the park, licking their ice cream and sharing stories from their childhood.As they reached a secluded spot under a sprawling oak tree, Isaac turned to Lillie with a grin. "Wanna climb?"Lillie laughed, a sound that was pure joy. "You know I'm terrible at climbing trees."Isaac offered her a hand, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'll help you. Trust me."With Isaac's help, Lillie managed to climb a few branches, her laughter ringing out like chimes in the wind. They perched together on a sturdy branch, their legs dangling as they watched the world below."This is nice," Lillie said softly, her heart feeling full to bursting.Isaac nodded, his gaze fixed on her. "Yeah, it is."As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over everything, Lillie knew that this day would be etched in her memory forever. It wasn't just about hanging out or having fun; it was about the moments they shared, the laughter they exchanged, and the unspoken connection that seemed to grow stronger with each passing minute.As they climbed down from the tree and made their way back to the park entrance, Lillie felt a sense of gratitude for having Isaac in her life. Today wasn't just about hanging out; it was about realizing that sometimes the best moments are the ones you least expect.


yo ima full writer with this shit ngl. GOOD? BAD?

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