18| New Friend

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"You can't do this to me again" I said on the verge of crying
"You promise, you would come" I said

"I know I'm sorry" Caspian said "I come to the next one" My brother lied

"Stop lying" "you said that last time" I said fed up with his lies

"I'm busy I'll talk to you later" he said
I heard shouting in the back "Don't forget what I told you to do"

"No wait yo-" I stop talking as I heard the phone hung up
I stood in the parking lot crying

He always does this. Every single time.

Today was the day for my solo. This was the most important one and I was really looking forward to it. the school told us they had arts school coming to see us.

I wanted my brother there since he's the only family I have. I have my father but I never want him here. He doesn't even exist to me and I don't exist to him. That's a story for another time though.

Caspian promised he would be here but like always he broke his promise. I don't even wanna go anymore. I don't wanna even be at school anymore.

This stupid mascara was running down my face and into my eyes. I felt it burning as I repeatedly wiped my eyes

I saw someone walking in the corner of my eye. I was shocked at who I saw. It was Rose Twin. I think her name was Reign. I remember her from the other day.

I wasn't friends with Rose. We just had two different lifestyle and they didn't mix. The only reason I talk to her is because our brothers are best friends with each other. I do singing and she does dancing.She had her people and I had mine.

I saw her eyes widen when I turned towards her. That's when I noticed she was also crying judging from her red eyes and tear stained cheeks

I wanted to leave the school and she probably wanted to leave too. This would be the perfect time to be friends with her. That's what I thought as I made my way towards her

"Do you want to come with me?" I ask her

"Where?" She look cautious
"Anywhere but here" I said to her "I promise I won't hurt you" I promise her
"Okay" was all she said before I grab her hand and pulled her towards my car

"You could sit in the front" I told her as I saw her opening the back door

"Oh okay" she said as she close the door back and open the passenger door

I started the car when she finished putting on her seatbelt

I grab my bag and got the fake school Id and a excused note

"You'll see" I told her when I saw her looking confused at the things I was holding

I made my way from the school and towards the gate of the school. I saw Reign tense up in the corner of my eye

"Do you have a note?" The gate guard ask us
I handed him the note

"This is for both of y'all?" He ask as he look at it

"Yeah teacher got lazy and only gave us one" I told him as I shrugged
"IDs please" he told me
I saw Reign fisted her pants

"Here you go" I said as I handed him my fake school id
I saw him look towards at Reign "my friend here forgot hers at home." That's where we headed to get her id" I said "she's new so she didn't think she needed it" I lied straight thru my teeth

"look at the teacher note" I told him as he started to get suspicious

He look at the note again before scanning my id and opening the gate

"Alright you're free to go" he said as he handed me my id "be back before 11 to get your attendance"

As soon as I left the gates of the school Reign released a sign of relief

"It just a protocol dddddd the have to do in order for people to get in or out the school" I told her

She just shook her head and looked out the window
'Okay then'

"You can relax I'm not going to kill you" I said jokingly

She just tensed up. I cleared my throat. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say

The next 10 minutes were filled with awkward silence

'Thank god we finally made it' I thought as I pulled into the parking lot of Cat's

I saw her perk up as the car finally came to a stop

"We're here" I told her as she looked at the building curiously

"You ever been to an arcade" she shook her head as she continued looking at the building

I noticed she kept picking at her nail bed which was making it bleed.

"you're going to love this place" I said as we both got out the car

"You can leave your stuff in the car" I told her


"Look who it is" A lady with curly dark eyes hair and brown eyes said "My favorite customer" I watch as Athene hugged her

"Hey Cj I got a new customer for you" Athena said as they both turned towards me

"Hey" I said quietly "This is Reign. She's a little shy and she's never been to an Arcade before" Athene said

"This Is Cj aka Cat junior. Her grandmother was the original Cat who open this place but now it's past down to her." Tv Athena said

"Well Reign you never been to place like this one ever" Cj said "I can tell you're going to love it"

"Wait" Cj suddenly said "why y'all not at school" She said as she turned towards Athena

"Gotta go talk to you when we leave" Athena suddenly grabbed my hand and lead me past Cj
"ATHENA" i heard Cj shout as we rounded the corner

She just laughed and continued running with me behind her

We came to a stop
"Welp new friend what do you wanna do first?" Athena ask me

My eyes widen in shock as I seen all the rides and colorful machines of the Arcade

"This not even the best part" She told me

Next update is Monday

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