Chapter 18: Intercepting the Hunters

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The announcement starts. "All hands, we will be commencing jump. Non-essential personnel should remain confined to quarters. For your safety, do not look out any window, door, porthole, or any other viewing access to the outside. Instant blindness will occur. Once the jump commences, we have no way of communicating with the other ships. Do not attempt to establish communications. If anyone has a heart condition during the jump, report to medical immediately. We will be in jump for twenty four hours. God's speed."

Captain Long looks at the metal container containing Khla and Dzor. She enters and greets them, "Yarjen Jor. Helmdraff Craw. Good afternoon, again."

Dzor taunts, "Theess joomp seem sooden. [This jump seem(s) sudden.]" He grins a toothy grin.

Long smirks. "Nothing slips by you, Yarjen. Any advice for a fellow ship captain before we jump?"

Dzor replies bluntly, "We tolk eenoof todaye. [We talk enough today.]" He crosses his arms and closes his eyes, "Wack me eef we don dee. [Wake me if we don't die.]"

Long puts her hands on her hips, teasing, "Oh, I'll whack you. Gladly. But, please? You were so pleasant earlier today."

There's a pause, and Khla asks gently, "Yarjen?"

Dzor grunts, "Fievegal rorly mock fleet joomps. Boot, wheen deed, use cobbles."

"Cobbles?" repeats Long. She quickly realizes, "Cables! You strung cables between your ships?"

Dzor opens one eye to look at her. He replies, "Yuss."

"What about the EMP? It'd fry the electronics we have."

"NOT eleektreecall condookshun. Sohneek. Sond condookshun. Eevonchooll oopgrod tuu hihdrawleek. Hihdrawleek bottor condooktor thon meetol. [Not electrical conduction. Sonic. Sound conduction. Eventually, upgrade to hydraulic. Hydraulic better conductor than metal.]"

Long envisions the ships as cans and the cables as strings. It instantly makes sense. It's low tech, but when it's their only option, it makes total sense. She starts toward the door, but she stops. She turns and bows to Dzor, saying extremely gratefully, "Jor... Thank you so much. Truly." Khla tenses a tiny bit when Long uses his name, but relaxes when he doesn't growl.

But, he does reply bluntly, "Hoomin, eef sheep boarded bih Grodurns, I om leeveeng. Far worneeng. [Human, if ship boarded by Grodrrns, I am leaving. Fair warning.]"

Long's smile disheartens, but she maintains her smile. She replies, "May you be safe, Yarjen." She turns and jogs out, ordering the cables used for towing the starliners to be strung between the ships. Hammers will be used for Morse code.

She returns to and watches progress from the bridge. She wants to try to pick Dzor's brain more, but he knows the jump is because of the Grodurns pursuing them. She's honestly surprised he gave them this. It amazes her that it didn't dawn on anyone sooner, for how simple it is. The winches allow them to keep a floating tension, as well as keep the ships from drifting apart.

The clock is ticking though. The ships are ready to jump the moment the cosmonauts maneuvering the cables can get back inside.

"CAPTAIN!" cries an ensign on the bridge. She looks where he points. She activates the radio, announcing, "Contact! Bearing two-fifty flat! All batteries align and fire! Boatswains! Emergency recall cable teams! Set General Quarters!"

The bridge springs to life, engaging all facets of combat. The Andromeda is first to fire, either thanks to Lieutenant Kane's premonitions or Captain Dodge already having his guns aimed as spread as he could. Only the single white entity lit, signifying an arrival, but no battleships are visible. Still, all of the ships fire their newly installed artillery pieces. The Polonia still has the most, but Mr. Right at least came through on prioritizing armament of ALL ships.

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