Chapter 1

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The world is ruled by aliens .

I prefer to believe that rather than believe that humans are capable of committing such cruelties to each other . Corruption is filling this world , and so far only those who claim solving this problem are the ones making it worse .

People are just a bunch of hypocrites when it comes to morals , none is fully and truly capable of sticking to them , too afraid of having one day to stand against themselves in the process . Which is why I am trying not to be like people , not letting greed and ambitions rule me . Maybe because I am still young , or maybe because I am more mature than anyone might think .

Even mom is starting to see it , how couldn't she ? She and I always stuck together , only the two of us . As though she gave birth to me on her own by some miracle .

Although I prefer not to show her the real me , the one who's been hardened by time and our previous living conditions , she believes that even though we had a troubling life , she managed to protect my childhood . But I'm afraid she did not .

« Here is your coffee , ma'am . » The barista says making me snap out of my head . I smile and grab my order then pay for it .

I actually am able to afford that coffee cup . It makes me smile an inch wider .

Walking out of the small , vintage coffee shop , my phone – yes I have a phone too now – starts buzzing in my pocket , I set my back pack and the coffee cup in a table near outside the shop , then retrieve it to speak to the only person who has my number : mom .

« Miss me already ? »

«  Just checking up on you , have you arrived yet ? You should have let James drive you there . » My mom's voice comes hushed and somewhat nervous .

« Mom , I am fine . It's not like I have never walked to school before . »

My mom sighs at the other line . « Nothing is going to be like before now . »

I sigh looking around , people are walking by in haste , tree orange and brownish leaves falling down , forming a magical carpet welcoming the arrival of autumn , the sound of ding dongs coming from the coffee shop behind me . New town , new life .

It better be a good new life for me and mom . That's a chapter that came after a very immensely long time .

I smile a bit . « I'm aware , mother . » I turn my tone into a teasing one . « Let me know if you met any billionaires in your first day at the company . »

She chuckles slightly . « Well I already know one . »

I laugh , throwing my head back . I laugh so hard actually I have to take a step back and take a seat on the chair of the table where I set my bag and cup of coffee . I stop that wave of hysterical laughter as I try to respond to my mom's comment .

Apparently I am a billionaire now , which is why her sentence made me almost hysterical because it all happened between a day and a night . One day I woke to the news of inheriting all of my grandfather's estate . A grandfather I wasn't even aware I had to begin with , and apparently he only found me so that he can give me his treasures since he felt guilty of what his son did and hid from him . He was my father's dad , and neither I or mom knew he was still alive , since my father lied to mom long ago by convincing her that he is an orphan .

And that was just one of the many lies he fed my – then – naïve and spoiled mother .

« So you keep reminding me . »

« I actually remind myself . It doesn't seem real to me and I need it to be real , so badly . »

My smile fades away a bit . My mother is not as strong as she makes it seem . Back before getting married to my father , she came from a very wealthy family . She was a princess , a queen even in her home . Then things changed after my father ...

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