Chapter 22

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Monday morning is not the best time of the week to feel happy and excited , if anything it's the most depressing time of the week . Everyone looks exhausted and hopeless as though they just came out of a war or have been dragged to school with chains . Yet , this morning might have something different for once . Not the good different unfortunately because , well it's Monday morning .

For some reason I always seem to intrude on the Lamberts' drama lately . They didn't notice me walking towards my class , which happens to be in the same hallway as Ellie's class .

« Please , cousin . Don't be so stubborn , he hid her but he is your father ... » Ellie says catching up to Iker and grabbing him by his arms .

« I don't care ! He lied to me . To all of us . » Iker snatches his arms away from her . « Plus I really couldn't care less about that woman . I don't have a sister and I never will . »

« So you agree with Merlow . » Ellie says dropping her hands to her sides and sighing heavily .

« What did you expect ? To agree with Haze ? » He scoffs . « They are both my older brothers , but only Merlow is mature , Haze might be even more immature than I am . »

Ellie looks down for a moment then up at him . « It is not her fault , you know ... »

Judging by the fact that Iker's back is facing me , I can't really see his expression . But then he walks past Ellie , slamming his shoulder against hers almost causing her to stumble down . She squeezes her eyes shut and looks up , once she looks down she spots me and her eyes widen .

I keep my expression neutral as I walk towards her . « Everything okay ? » I ask with genuine worry .

This woman cares about the kids in here , and Iker being her cousin means that her care for him might multiply .

From this conversation I overheard , I believe that Mr Lambert told his sons about their sister .

I don't know the entire story , I am not even sure wether that woman is Mr Lambert's daughter or not , all I know is that she came back for her siblings , despite knowing how unwelcome she is . I admire that but I feel also bad for the three brothers too .

I might dislike Iker for his eagerness to always be near Hannah , but I can tell that the news must have been difficult for him to hear .

Ellie nods frantically as she looks up at me . « Yeah ... totally fine . » She tries to smile but it comes all wrong . I can see that this thing is having a strong impact on their peace .

Students start arriving , which means the place will be crowded soon enough . I nod at her then start to walk away towards my class .

On my way there , just as I opened the door ready to step inside , I stop on my heels and freeze .

Hannah and Paget , both of them walking inside with their hair flying behind , wearing almost the same outfit and makeup but with different colors and smiling at each other .

I have never seen Hannah dressing like this , like a real high school girl , instead of her usual style . Plus she seems just fine with Paget , they both have a good impact on each other and their friendship seems only to grow each passing day .

Hannah's eyes finally meet mine and she discreetly winks at me as she walks with her friend , holding her books to her chest and heading to where her locker is .

I try not to stare , I try not to reach out for her and pull her to me , I try to chase all these ideas but the more I fight against them the more they become strong .

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