Life for a Life

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Few hours Later

Few hours Later

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- N A O M I -

"I need you to push again, on three."


She blind or something?

Obviously I don't have enough strength to push to the point where she wants me to.

Holding my hand tightly, Kam bend down. His mouth close to my ears.

He whispers "Know it hard babes. But give me one solid push and it'll be over."

Nodding, I take a deep breath in.

Holding onto the back of my knees, I push up. My eyes now shut. I hold my breath. Blocking out whatever counting the nurses are doing.




"Don't stop."

"Don't stop. "

"Just the shoulders now."

"You're doing great " the nurses yell.

Stopping when I'm not able to push anymore, I fall back into the bed. Isaiah hands rubbing on my shoulder.

"Over with now baby mother" I don't look at him.

Instead, my focus are on the doctors as they continuously slap the baby. Attempting to earn a cry.

When unsuccessful, I try to move but Kam's hold is resisting me.

"What's wrong? Why am I not hearing a cry."

"It's a boy" Isaiah's trying to distract me.

Weh him think that did ago do? Clearly I wasn't expecting a boy but still. My baby isn't responding.

As the nurse attempt CPR on him, tear drops begin to flow down the side of my face.

With my legs still propped up. I can feel as the doctor perform after care to my area. By the emptiness of my belly, it's clear that my placenta and the extra blood as been removed.

Still, that doesn't earn my attention as I continue to look at my....Son?

As additional doctors and nurse enter the room, I just lay and watch them as they move around frantically.

Sighting the baby incubator when they push it in, I observe them as they take him up and place him inside.

He looks...lifeless?

As they connect the oxygen tube to his mouth and connect a few other tube to his tinny body. They push him out the room.

With one doctor remaining, she walks over to the bed. Her face expression alone tells it all.

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