RWR:Chibi Ep 1

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(For the Title and what it means,The answer is this....No,I didn't misspell RWBY And Yes,it's chibi skits.....As For RWR.... isn't it obvious?It means Real world Reader)

Everyone was Relaxing in the theater until they were Brought back to the Viewing room by Will who said it's Time for another viewing.

Will:And it's one familiar to us.

Will smiles before turning the Screen on.

We open to a Blank White Screen except that didn't last as the Chibi versions of The Theater crew appeared.

Ruby:The Chibi Us!

Vegeta groans and says that he still can't stand looking at them.

but before,Anyone Could Say a single Word,They Got Interrupted by a Falling Logo and the screen Changing Position to show a Title Engraved in the Whiteness of the Abyss as it said...

The Y/N CHIBI-verse(Real World Reader)

A groan of pain Came From Will and that was Right before it turned itself Off.

Will:This is gonna be good.


The first skit began In a simple Yet Insane looking kitchen with stacked dishes next to the sink, a paper towel roll, a vase full of Roses, and a large window showing a Beautiful Amount of stars,Outside.

the view zooms in briefly on the table containing a red bowl, a bag of flour, some eggs, and a package of "Choco Chippies"

Ruby drooled as she knew what those were used to make with her family looking on in concern.

It remained like that until Team RWBY's leader,Ruby Rose leaped up from behind and rubs her hands in excitement as she glances at the ingredients happily.

Ruby smiled as she knew what her Counterpart was doing.

Ruby:Sweet!Chibi me is gonna make Cookies.

(Y/n) Didn't say a word since he knew this skit and..... It's not gonna end well.

(Y/n) appeared next to her but he had a the same set of ingredients but a few differences and Looked at them before smiling.

(Y/n) Smiled as he Realized what his Chibi self planned.

They Starts Their culinary quest by each tapping one of the eggs on the side of the bowls and It worked Easily.....

For (Y/n),At least..... Because for Ruby,the shell didn't crack and there wasn't even a single scratch.

Ruby:What the?

She looked confused as to why her Cousin could do it but not her.

Like her normal Counterpart,Ruby looked perplexed for a moment but then tries rapidly hitting the egg with the same lack of results as Our Half-Oni tried to ask if she needed help but it was too late as Scowling to herself,She finally jumps up, screaming in rage,before throwing the egg into the bowl, where it finally splits open in a burst of white pieces and some orange yolk landing on her cheek,which she silently Glared at.

Ruby:Stupid egg.

Bailey laughed and said that it was funny as well as silly.

Ruby Glared at her younger cousin but Calmed down as she remembered that Bailey is still young.

For their next step,The two attempt to gently pour some of the flour into Their bowl,(Y/n) managed to Get some but Ruby had none come out,So she gets up on the table itself and tips the whole bag over it upside-down.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 3:Third's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now