Round Three

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Submissions for Round Three of the Open Novella Contest 2024 are now open!

Please proceed to carefully read the following instructions before you send in your entry.

Before You Submit

Before you go to submit your novella entry for Round Three, we recommend doing a self-checklist to make sure that your story is eligible to qualify for the contest:

☆° Your story is a new book, created and published on Wattpad after the launch of the ONC 2024 (February 1st, 2024) and was written specifically for this contest.

☆° Your story follows one of the prompts listed in the prompts chapter. Alterations and interpretations are fine as long as the general core of the prompt is still recognisable to the judges.

☆° You have written at least 20,000 words.

Prologues and epilogues count towards the word goal, they are a part of the literary material.

Author's notes, cast lists, aesthetic etc., multimedia which enhances the novella does not count towards the written word count goal.

☆° Your entry qualified to Round Three and is mentioned in the the Round Two Qualifiers part.

How To Submit

Now that you've finished checking your novella and prepping it, it's time to submit!

Round Three Submission Form can be found HERE !

☆° This form will close on April 30, 2024 at 11:59PM Toronto / Eastern Standard Time! Please make sure to get your submission in before that. For those who are in different timezones, use this website to help keep track of the

If the above hyperlink does not work for whichever reason. The form will also be available in different areas on the profile:

Through a link in our profile bio once it's open for submissions.

Through this chapter's external link.

And the link will be broadcasted during each round of ONC.

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