Part -37

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Chapter 37

Hello, Everyone. I know it's taking long but I'm trying not to rush things and develop feelings as naturally as possible.

Here's a really long chapter. Hope you enjoy ;)

The next day, I went to the hospital. I was dreading every single step I was taking towards Dr. Wilson's office. But knew I've got no other option.

I reached her office and knocked "Come in". I went in. "Study this. There's a surgery in 3 hours and prepare a report on these," she said handing me files.

I looked at her shocked. Is she serious? Does she not remember what happened yesterday? Maybe, she doesn't wanna talk about it. That hurts.

I took the file from her and went out. Ugh! What in the world was I expecting? For her to have feelings for me too? I should stay away from her.

I sighed. And went to the common room to study files. As I was studying my pager buzzed. *Sigh* it's Dr.Wilson.

So I went to her office and knocked on the door. "Come in" I went in.

"Have you studied the file I gave you?"

She asked without looking at me like always.

"Yeah" My voice shook a little at the end. At this, she finally looked up "Are you okay?" She asked gently.

"Yeah, I... I'm fine" I said smiling lightly. She looked at me not believing but there's nothing I can do about it.

"Prepare O.R" she turned towards the monitor. I went out of her office to the O.R.

After the surgery, A nurse told me that the director of the hospital wants to meet me. so, right now I'm making my way towards his office. 

I knocked on the door. "Come in" I went in.

A man was sitting behind a desk probably in his late fifties, whom I assume is the director.

"Dr.Walker. I was expecting you. come, have a seat." I sat on the chair across from him.

"You want to know why I called you here? am I right?" he asked. "Yes," I said.

"Very well, so let's cut to the chase. I want you to be a lead surgeon on this case" he said handing me a case file. 

"I've been observing you for a while and I've to say I'm really impressed. you've got a bright career ahead of you" he said.

"I hope you'll accept this surgery?" he looked at me expectantly. "Of course, sir it'll be my honor".

"Very well, I hope this surgery to be a success," he said. I nodded and went out of his office.

I can't believe it. I got to lead a surgery. even though, it's not been even a whole year since I'm working here. I've got to show it to Dr.Wilson, I thought and made a beeline towards her office.

In my excitement, I forgot to knock and went in without knocking "Dr.Wilson I…" I stopped in the middle of my tracks and stood there shocked. Dr.Wilson was standing there half-naked. She wasn't wearing even a bra.

My eyes went to her chest like they got stuck and I stood there not knowing what to do in this situation. 

"Will you close the door?" At this, my eyes snapped back to hers. That's when I realized I was still standing in the doorway. My cheeks went red, I immediately went out of her office and closed the door.

After a few seconds, Dr.Wilson said "Come in".

I cautiously opened the door and went in.

"Why did you burst into my office?" she asked.

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