participant rules

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🦔 Each of the genres will have a person in charge of the registration process and so you need to tag the specific person when you apply as a participant in the Forms

🦔 Only forms filled properly and commented inline will be accepted

🦔 Only books that follow Wattpad Content Guidelines will be accepted (if you're not sure on the guidelines please read it up). Also, books written by AI will not be accepted.

🦔 As this awards was meant to help underrated authors kindly understand that we will only accept books that have below 20K reads with at least 5 content chapters (unfortunately prologue and author's note do not count). For Mini Categories only the chapter count rules do not apply.

🦔 Follow this community for ease of us to follow back and tag you later on and the special password is a food or drink starting with the last alphabet of the previous person's. (E.g. if the person before you commented "Irish Coffee" then your password must start with the letter "e". That said, if you are the lucky first person to comment inline, please use "Honey Teh C" 🤭)

🦔 Give a shout-out of TSA May 2024 in your Message Board by sharing the link to this book to help us raise awareness. The more slots filled, the faster we can proceed!

🦔 Participating in the Tag Fest is optional and please only tag your WP friends who you know do not mind the tags.

🦔 Only 10 participants will be accepted for each genre and you can participate in two different genres in the General Category but only one Mini Category. Fill the form once if you want to participate in more than one genre by stating it in your form to prevent us from losing the second form with all that is going on.

🦔 For Judges, you can apply to judge for any genres as long as you are not participating in the same genre. We have special privileges offered for joining as a judge in TSA, specifically we will raid your books. For each genre we are accepting only one judge.

🦔 All judges are required to join our discord (in our bio) for submission and discussion purposes as WP Private Message function will be taken down on 6 May 2024. We hope you understand and cooperate as we all agree this update is a great inconvenience to many communities like us.


List of person-in-charge for the registration of participant's genres

Phase 1 Categories

In-charge: Nadia (Tag: SardonicBeauty)
- Fantasy (full!)
- Horror/Thriller (1/10)
- Best Opening Paragraph (3/10)

In-charge: Haize (Tag: adretaRyder)
- Action/Adventure (6/10)
- Romance (1 slot left!)
- Best Blurb (3/10)

In-charge: Lily (Tag: LadyInLostYearn)
- Teen Fiction (5/10)
- Sci-Fi (2/10)
- Best Prologue/first chapter (7/10)

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