Mysterious Shadows Chapter 1 : The Old Mansion

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A team sits around a round table as a guy with ash-blond hair plays a commercial in the projector

"Have you ever felt something staring at you from behind but when you look there's nothing there? Have you ever had chills in your spine at random moments? Have you seen something you thought was a person? CALL NOW FOR AN EXORCISM! We in ExoCorp will help you get rid of your paranormal problems, first exorcism has a discounted 50% off! So come on down to ExoCorp"

"O-Okay...w-what does everyone think?" Axis asked the team with a nervous look on his face

"It's alright..i guess?" a tall woman with black hair replied

"T-thanks Aphelia." Axis nervously sighed as the team was discussing a tall man wearing a suit comes barging in the door

"GUYS GUYS WE GOT OUR FIRST CALL!" the tall man shouts in excitement

"R-Really? Thank you f-for telling us Ron!" As Axis thanks Ron a shadowy figure wakes up from his slumber
"Jeez it's too early for you to be this loud" The shadowy figure walks into the light revealing a short man with white hair w/ black streaks on his hair
"G-Good M-M-Morning Love" Axis remarked
"Good Morning Beautiful~" Isolde grinned
Axis face turned bright red. The team now prepares themselves for their first mission

They arrive to the location, It's a mansion with an eerie look on it
Ron jumps up and down for he hasn't seen a real mansion before
"OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN IT'S A REAL MANSION!!" Ron squealed in excitement
"Pipe down you big oaf they might stop the exorcism we'll be doing" Aphelia sighed

Aphelia knocks 2 times on the door, as Aphelia kept knocking they heard a loud THUD inside the mansion.

As the team barged into the mansion, they were met with a sight that sent shivers down their spines. The mansion owner dead on the floor, covered not only in blood but also in what seemed to be dark ink.

Axis rushed to check the pulse of the owner, while Isolde and Ron scanned the room for any signs of paranormal activity. Aphelia, the only practical person in the room began examining the surroundings for any clues to check what caused the mansion owners demise

Axis shook his head solemnly. "H-He's gone. Whatever h-happened here, it was too late by the time w-we arrived."

Just then, a cold breeze swept through the room, extinguishing the candles and sending a chill through the air. The team exchanged determined glances, realizing that they were there not only to exorcize someone but to investigate the poor mansion owner's death

"We need to act fast," Aphelia urged, "Whoever is responsible for this needs to be dealt with before they harm anyone else."

With renewed determination, the team gathered their equipment and began their investigation, calling upon all their knowledge and clues to find the killer whether it's a person or a ghost. The team started looking upstairs where the mansion owner's body fell from.

As the team started to go upstairs they saw a bloody violin laying on the floor, a broken flower vase and a rope hanging from the ceiling
"This is a tough case to crack" groaned Isolde as he checks the clues
"Axis, check the hallways for more clues" commanded Aphelia as she also checks the clues
"R-Right!" as Axis checks the hallway for more clues

Axis carefully scanned the hallway, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. Every creak of the floorboards seemed to echo in the total silence of the mansion, heightening his senses as he searched for any sign of the killer.

Suddenly, his eyes fell upon a faint trail of dark, sticky liquid leading further down the hallway. With a sense of grim purpose, Axis followed the trail, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridor.

As he rounded a corner, Axis stumbled upon a hidden passage, concealed behind a heavy tapestry. Inside, he found a small, ornate box covered in cobwebs and dust. With trembling hands, he opened the box, revealing a collection of old letters and faded photographs.

"T-These must belong to the mansion owner," Axis muttered to himself, carefully examining the contents of the box. Among the letters, he found one addressed to the owner's estranged sibling, detailing a bitter family feud over their inheritance.

Meanwhile, Aphelia and Isolde continued to investigate the scene, piecing together the clues scattered throughout the mansion. Isolde discovered a hidden compartment beneath the floorboards, containing a worn diary filled with cryptic entries and unsettling drawings.

"It looks like the mansion owner was hiding more than just family secrets," Isolde remarked, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Aphelia nodded in agreement, her sharp eyes scanning the room for any additional clues. Suddenly, her gaze fell upon a faded portrait hanging on the wall, depicting the mansion owner and a mysterious figure cloaked in shadow.

"Who is that?" Aphelia wondered aloud, her mind racing with possibilities. "And what connection do they have to the events that happened here?"

As the team continued to unravel the mysteries of the mansion, they knew that they were closing in on the truth. But little did they know that the darkest secrets of the past were about to resurface, threatening to consume them all in their wake.

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