Mysterious Shadows Chapter 3 : The End To the Investigation

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The team walked in the mansions empty halls trying to find clues about the owners death, the air reeks with blood and deception. Before them there was a doorway to the mansions basement, where they feel might help with their investigation further

Aphelia, Axis, Isolde, and Ron exchanged glances, their determination firing up as they prepared to face whatever horrors lay ahead. With a silent nod, they stepped forward, their footsteps echoing in the silence as they entered the basement

The basement was a eerily loud and dark, its walls filled with cobwebs and moss that seemed ancient for its looks. As Isolde lights a fire with his ability he saw a figure cloaked in shadow, its presence as cold as ice covering the entire room, which sent shivers down their spines.

The hooded cloak removes its hood which reveals a woman with snow-like hair and eyes as red as ruby "I-it's the person in the pictures" Axis shouted, his voice steady despite feeling nervous for it's their first time encountering this type of ghoul "W-we won't let you h-harm anyone else."

The figure chuckled darkly, its voice echoing in the room like a bell ringing. "Call me Ñeve." She sneered, her eyes gleaming with malice. "I would have gotten away with those murders, but you 4 had to come here and stop those plans don't you"

With a wave of her hand, Ñeve summoned forth a horde of Iced Warriors that swarmed towards the team with spears made of ice, and so do their bodies. Aphelia screams "GO" as the team sprang into action, weapons drawn and spells at the ready as they fought the Iced Warriors

Aphelia's throwing knives hit it's targets, ending their cold lives with deadly precision as she picked off the creatures one by one. Isolde casts fire spells by throwing papers with runes in them, melting every enemy in their path as he battled with all his might. Ron's fists filled with insane power in them punches through the horde. While Axis buffs his allies with his strength spells.

But despite their best efforts, the Iced Warriors seemed to regenerate with each blow some of the allies throw, they figured that the only way to permanently kill the horde is to kill their caster. The team kept going through the horde trying to find their way to Ñeve.

"We can't keep this up." Isolde gasped,as he fended off another wave of attackers. "We need to find a way to defeat her and end this once and for all."

Axis nods as he scans for Ñeve in the crowd. And then, with a sudden flash of inspiration, he saw her "ISOLDE NOW!" Axis Commands Isolde as he brushes through the crowd. "Caught you~" Aphelia screamed as they shoot their spells at the enemy

"You can't escape now!" Axis cried, as he shoots the enemy with the glock he hid in his pocket. With all their might the team did a finishing move to Ñeve, smoke filled the area as they punched through their final blow. As the smoke clears a figure is seen walking through it "BLAH! Boring you really think you can kill me that easily?" she menacingly snickered "I literally have the Artifact of Eternity guiding me."

The teams eyes widen as they hear the words "Artifact of Eternity" "N-no way I thought it was just a myth" Axis exclaimed, as the team were shocked Ñeve pulled out a golden cube with a purple ball inside of it "Doesn't seem like a myth to me." She growled, the team is now too tired to battle.

As the enemy walks up to the three of them with a hint of death on her eyes Ron tackles her making her drop the artifact. The teams eyes widened as they saw Ron tackle her, Axis saw this as an opportunity as he throws a black book in underneath Ñeve, Ron lets go of her as Axis screams "signantes eam" the floors suddenly pops up with chains that clawed on Ñeve's arms the chains started to pull her downwards the book "YOU'LL RUE THE DAY YOU CROSSED ME YOU BRATS" as she slowly descended into the book

As the basement fell silent, the team stood victorious. With a sense of relief and satisfaction knowing they had solved their Mansion problem and got the Artifact of Eternity they each shared a final scream because they knew that their mission was complete, well not yet. Their mission may be complete but their story isn't over. :3c

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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