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Juliet took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she gathered her family in the living room.

Her parents, her sister Violet, and her brothers Aidan and Jack sat around, curious expressions on their faces.

"Um, so, I have something to tell you all," Juliet began, her voice trembling slightly. "I've been seeing someone."

Her parents exchanged surprised glances, while Violet leaned forward with interest. "Really? Who is he?" her dad asked.

Juliet smiled nervously. "It's Walker. Walker Scobell. You know, my costar from Percy Jackson ."

Her mom's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, Juliet, that's wonderful! How long has this been going on?"

"About a weeek ," Juliet replied, feeling a bit more at ease now that the secret was out. "But it's been really great, and I wanted you all to know."

Her family shared excited smiles, and her sister Violet let out a small squeal of delight. "I'm so happy for you, Juliet!" she exclaimed, giving her sister a hug.

"Dad, Mom, I hope you guys are okay with this," Juliet said, looking at her parents anxiously.

Her dad smiled warmly. "As long as he treats you right, that's all that matters."

"Yeah we know he's a good boy and he treats you well iv seen him In interviews and behind the scenes " her mother smiled "just make sure he's not a troublemaker like your brothers," her mom added with a wink.

Juliet laughed, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. It felt good to have her family's support as she embarked on this new relationship journey with Walker.


Walker sat nervously at the kitchen table, his family gathered around him.

His older sister Leena, his younger brother Tanner, and his parents all looked at him expectantly.

"So, um, I have something to tell you guys," Walker began, feeling a knot of tension in his stomach. "I've been seeing someone."

His mom's eyes lit up with interest. "Really? That's fantastic, Walker! Who's the lucky girl?"

Walker smiled nervously. "It's Juliet. Juliet Blythe. You know, my co star and -"

His dad raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Juliet Blythe ? Ya we kinda suspected it I mean you talk about her all the time . How long has this been going on?"

"About a week or so p," Walker admitted, feeling the weight of the confession lifting off his shoulders. "But it's been really great, and I wanted you all to know."

His family exchanged pleased smiles, and his sister Leena clapped her hands together. "That's wonderful news, Walker! Juliet seems like a great girl."

Walker couldn't help but grin at the supportive reactions of his family. Maybe this wouldn't be as nerve-wracking as he'd feared.

Once his parents were out of the area his two siblings came huddling around him .

Leena's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and she grinned mischievously. "Ah, Juliet. Our little Romeo has found his Juliet," she teased, nudging Tanner playfully.

" you do know they die at the end " Walker said getting water out of the fridge

" ya I do - hey how do you know you Bairly read you don't even know Shakespeare "

" I just do okay Leena"

Tanner smirked, looking amused. "So, when are you gonna start making out with her?" he joked, earning a playful shove from Leena.

Walker rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a laugh. "Oh, come on, Tanner. Give me a break," he retorted, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

His dad chuckled, shaking his head affectionately. "Let's keep it PG, Tanner," he said with a smirk. "But we're happy for you

 "But we're happy for youson"

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— Mine —

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