Chapter 12

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I had to hand it to Jessie, despite being woken up at an ungodly hour just to show me around the castle, she didn't make me feel unwelcomed in the slightest. We didn't exchange many words, but she hummed a lovely tune to herself. The guards behind us seemed unbothered by the late hour, but just by looking at their layers of armour, I knew they hadn't been woken up for this specific task. Jessie, on the other hand, wore a rumpled dress, her hair left to hang down her back in long golden tresses. Unbrushed. Not that I was one to judge. I doubted I looked any better.

"So how did you get stuck with this job?" I asked Jessie quietly. It felt rude to speak louder. The rest of the castle was fast asleep, and if the clanging metal of our escort didn't wake them up, I certainly wouldn't be the one to do it. "I'm sorry they woke you up for this."

"Hmm?" She peered at me with sleepy eyes, though her smile tried to hide them. "Oh, don't worry about it, my lady. I'm honoured that the princes have entrusted me to look after you and the dragonling."

I never really thought about it that way. Hadn't considered there were some servants they wouldn't allow near Raiden.

"How long have you worked here?" I found myself asking her. She couldn't be any older than myself, could be younger even. She must have made quite the name for herself to hold the princes' trust so closely.

Jessie tapped her chin, eyes wandering up to the wooden rafters in the ceiling as she thought about it. "I came to the castle when I was nine. I started out in the kitchen, peeling potatoes and such, but now I've moved up to chambermaid. I've grown up alongside the princes; they've been nothing short of kind to me. Alaric in particular. . ." She sewed her mouth shut and peered around frantically, as if afraid someone might jump out and swat her for speaking so informally about the prince.

"What about Alaric?" I encouraged, giving her a little nudge.

She flushed. "Nothing. Prince Alaric has also been kind to me."

I sensed there was more to it than that, but we had also just met, so I couldn't expect her to tell me her whole life story in this instant.

We went the rest of the way in silence. At the end of the hallway, there was a large wooden door with iron woven into it, similar to the war room I briefly set foot in. Except the artwork was different. Instead of a dragon depicting heroism, there were two dragons below a large tree, its canopy sheltering them from the sun. At the very base of the tree was a nest of eggs.

"Who exactly is this wing reserved for?"

With the help of one of our guards, Jessie heaved the large doors open. A gust of wind immediately swept forward. I coughed on the cloud of dust.

The hallway was pitch black.

"This wing is for the Acker families. For a time Lord Maverick and Tyler lived here with their families, but they moved into the city once Prince Eli became of age to marry. Right now the princes live in their own chambers in the East Wing, but once they marry, they will be moved into this wing. The chambers are bigger and more accommodating for families."

My throat suddenly felt tight. "Why would he put me here?" I whispered.

"I'm not sure, my lady, but if the king approves, then I will have a room ready for you. This way." Jessie took the lead down the hallway.

My stomach twisted nervously as I followed after her. Leave it to Quinn to make a move so bold. I wasn't sure if he did it just to defy his king or as an apology. Regardless, as we came to the first door on the right, I couldn't help feeling that I didn't belong here, even with Raiden fast asleep in my arms.

Jessie opened the door for me, quickly going around the room and lighting all the sconces on the walls and hanging from the ceiling. The bed was bare, furniture coated in a layer of dust, floor hosting a collection of dust bunnies and twigs likely brought in by mice.

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