Chapter 6: The Citrus Touch That Ignites

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After the party Kevin called me an Uber. I didn't want to but he insisted to pay. I guess he still feels bad for the way he talked to me when we first met. I remove my lip balm and take off my dress. My head can't let go off those brooding shoulders and bright orange hair.

When studying Kevin closer I realised that his hair is not just orange. It's yellow with an orange tint. Matching his blue eyes. His beard is slightly darker and stubby. I wonder what it would feel like kissing him. If his beard would be soft against my chin or hard.

I bite my tongue. I can't be thinking about this. This is Kevin were talking about. He is mean. But oh my. He is really sweet. And he draws. And he is not hard to look at. Not at all. I quickly find my phone and search him up. "Kevin de Bruyne".

I start looking at the photos. He looks so good. My mind wonders what he looks like without a shirt. I saw it barely at the game against Liverpool but I wanna see it more closely. A lightbulb ignites over my head. "Kevin de Bruyne shirtless" ....

Wow I thought his body looked better than that

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Wow I thought his body looked better than that. He is so pale. He is what Ben White wished he was. Or at least what his name implies. Ben has used so much self-tan it's no wonder its always sold out in the store. He probably uses it all. Ben Orange.

-       The next day

The day passes so slowly. For the first time in a while, I'm single and I have no one to hang out with. Rebecca and Phil are on a date. Not having Elliot around makes me realize how alone I actually am. I don't really have a lot of friends. At least not any girlfriends. Maybe that's my own fault.

For a split second I kind of miss Elliot and his blonde perm noodle hair. I shake off that scary thought and pick up my phone. Wtf, a new message from.... Kevin?

Jesus he is so fucking cringe and weird

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Jesus he is so fucking cringe and weird. That cunt. Why in god's name did he ask me on a date? And why did I agree? Does he and Haaland do extra tasks alone on the side? Is that why their chemistry is so good on the football pitch? So many questions are going through my mind.

39 minutes. That is a lot of time to get ready, so I decide to do a little extra today to look good. I put on my trusted lip balm. I put my hand down the drawer and pull out my.... Mascara.

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