The dark swan

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Olivia swan

Olivia jade swan , the older sister of  Isabella swan

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Olivia jade swan , the older sister of Isabella swan.

While Bella was shy and quiet , Olivia was quite the opposite she was a ticking time bomb. The relationship she had with her mother had slipped over the years and Renee was loosing all hope of helping her daughter. Olivia hadn't seen her father Charlie since she was five.

Two years ago her sister moved to forks to live with their dad , the two never got on much because they were so different.

Bella was quiet and reserved she never caused problems and kept to her self. Meanwhile Olivia was seen some what as the family disappointment.

Olivia always new she was different somehow , the girl often thought there was something wrong with her she just wasn't sure what and as hard as she tried she could never find the answer so eventually she just accepted it and let it take her over.

Forever missing something like she had a screw lose in her head.

If anyone was to ever describe Olivia there wouldn't be a good thing ever said.

Olivia was cruel and coniving But mostly only acted that way when people deserved it.

What olivia didn't know was that eventually everything was going to come crashing down on her and that her life was about to change forever.

Isabella swan

Isabella swan

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Charlie swan

Charlie swan

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The dark swan♡︎ Rosalie hale ꪜWhere stories live. Discover now