Chapter two- first day

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The grey clouds and fog that lingered in the air like a protective blanket made Olivia feel a little more at ease as she pulled into the car park , the eyes of all her peers on her as she did so.

The realisation that this was going to be her life for a few weeks hit the girl like a ton of bricks. Her whole life Olivia put up a facade of not caring what people thought about her but it was all a lie , she cared way too deeply.

At her old school , everyone worshipped her. No one spoke a word to her out of fear of the consequences.

Olivia swan had developed quite the reputation. Everyone pretended to love her but no one really did , it was fear.

Fear of her and what she was capable of.

It often made the girl sad but she would always remind herself that it's way better to be feared than it is to be loved.

However here in forks , Olivia wasn't looking for anyone to love her or fear her. What the girl wanted the most was to become invisible, to blend in. All in the hopes of starting over.

The brunette took a deep breath and prepared herself for the excruciating day that was about come.

Turning off her car and grabbing her bag before quickly getting out and walking as fast as she could to the front doors of her new school , not making eye contact with any of the other students.

As Olivia walked through the corridors she could still feel the eyes of all her classmates on her making her more uncomfortable than she would like to admit. The looks of the girls were a little more bearable as they were only little glances here and there but the look of the boys were full on stares and every single one of them looked at her the same way.

It was no secret that Olivia was pretty, she knew she was and she hated it. The girl often wished to struggle with something as basic as acne to make her less attractive but it never came and as a result all the boys looked at her and wanted her for one thing.

Something to own.

Olivia looked down at the floor and kept her eyes glued to it as she walked , not wanting to attract anymore attention to herself then she already is.

The girl sighed in relief when she finally reached the office and closed the door behind her.

"Hi , I'm here to pick up my schedule." The girl smiled softly as she walked up to the desk.

"Of course , you must be Olivia swan?" The woman quizzed looking up from her folder.

"Yes." The girl replied with a nod.

"Two seconds dear." The woman smiled walking away.

Olivia stood awkwardly as she waited for the woman's return and subconsciously crossed her arms feeling out of place.

"Here you go." The woman beamed walking back to the desk.

Olivia grabbed the sheet from the woman and shot her a thankful smile.

"Welcome to forks." The beamed before sitting back down on her chair.

"Thank you." Olivia replied with a soft smile before slowly turning around and walking back towards the door.

The girl took a second to go over all her classes and felt herself relax when she saw she had English first period.

While it was true that Olivia was failing her classes the girl could never fail English even if she tried. It was the only thing she was ever good at , the only thing she ever understood and one of the only things that made her feel good.

The dark swan♡︎ Rosalie hale ꪜWhere stories live. Discover now