Chapter 22: Glimpse of past

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Tara was going with Aadhya and Mahira in collage corridor and they are talking to each other but suddenly Mahira's phone ring, so she had to go to hostel room for some work which was given by her mother and Aadhya also accompany her as Tara had some work in collage...

They depart from there and Tara move toward washroom, she freshen up and suddenly she don't know what happened everything become blank in front of her like someone was there who make her unconscious...

But when she gains her conscious, she found herself in some dark place like someone had close her in that place and she could hear some voices but did not understand anything and why she doesn't know... and she was still in drug effect... when they kidnap her, they drug her... so her vision was still blur so she can't understand anything...

Then suddenly someone come and see her that she is conscious, so he drags her and she was screaming for help, but no one come to help her...

Tara: where are you taking me... please leave me, don't do this...

But suddenly someone's voice come...

She wakes up with jerk and see that Armaan was sitting beside her holding her hand with worried face...

She was talking long breath because now also she did not come out of her nightmare and constantly looking at Armaan to confirm that he is really there or not...

She doesn't understand anything so just keep her head on Armaan's solder to calm herself...

Armaan also caresses her head to relax her... which work on her...

Armaan takes the glass of water from the stand...

Armaan: Tara, drink this water... (offering her)

Still, she was looking at him, so he takes the glass to her mouth and made her drink...

Tara: are still going to marry a girl like me who had many things in her plate already...

Hearing this Armaan sigh and look at her, cup her face with his both hands...

Armaan: I don't know why but I want your all sorrow which was killing you from inside and that leads insecurities... you are very important to me so never talk about this thing... I know some time we had to face past but one thing that I will say I will never ever let you suffer in those alone, I will be always there for you... (last line say he with stun voice to get clear) am I clear now?...

All the time Tara was looking at him... and just nod...

Tara: yo...u kn...know I...I feel like... (she sighs)

Take a deep breath and then open her eyes...

Tara: I feel like I will ruin your life... what if your family know about it... (little teary eyes)

Armaan: nothing will happen trust me... I know our family; they will support you in every step of life... so don't think much...

Tara nod and slowly place her hand on his torso and place her head on his solder with close eyes and it's look like she is gaining her energy and peace from him...

He also hugs her and place his head on solder with close eyes... simply they both are peace for each other...

Armaan: are you okay now...

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