☆14/ Screams Of Desires

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Ihita Pov

As flames licked the sky high, danced widely, casting maniac shadows against the cloudy dark sky, painting the scene with an ominous hue.

The cacophony of terrified screams and desperate pleas filled the air, echoing off the crumbling walls and stirring an agonising ache in my heart .

I felt powerless, a silent witness to the tragedy unfolding before my eyes. Each cry was a dagger, piercing my soul. As I watched my life torn apart and shattered in an instant.

I looked around their faces, etched with fear and desperation, their eyes pleading for salvation. Each person fighting for their survival against the merciless onslaught of destruction.

Tears welled up in my eyes, mirroring the grief and anguish that enveloped the scene. I stood as a silent witness of the fragility of life and the cruel hand of my fate.

But the only thing I know is that this was the end of my beautiful life and the beginning of my dark era.

Beginning of deadly games and my twisted desires.

My life has brought me here now there's no turning back. Now I've become a sinner by stepping into this world.

As I stood amidst chaos, my eyes fixated on the flames devouring everything in their path, a sinister smile came across my lips.

The screams and cries of the panicked crowd only fueled my dark desires. In the depth of my mind, a twisted fantasy began to take shape.

A simple thought of witnessing fear in those who are responsible for this devastation. Oh, how satisfying it would be to watch them suffer, to see then squirm beneath the weight of their guilt.

As the flames licked hungrily at the remnants of what once stood proud and strong. My thoughts turned darker still.

I imagined myself as the puppet master, pulling the string of fate to orchestrate the ultimate downfall of my prey.

Oh, how sweet the taste of vengeance would be, like a fine wine savoured slowly, each sip more intoxicating than the last.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and destruction, I embraced my sinister thoughts with a fervour bordering on madness.

For me, the burning ashes were not just a symbol of loss, but a canvas upon which I would paint my twisted retribution, leaving a trail of suffering in my wake.

"No way I'm going to let you marry him." I shut open my eyes from the burning memories of my mind.

I looked at dad then at my mom. There was anger in their eyes and more concern for me. But what can I do? I have to do that.

Ever since I told them that I want to marry Karnish, they literally lecture me on that.

I'm sitting on the sofa, like a good girl who is learning good and bad things from her parents. I legit wasted two hours listening to their lecture.

"You know na dad that is important for me, for us." I finally spoke hoping he would understand. But who am I kidding ? Dad being dad like always.

"Forget about security stuff. I can look after that. Your father is capable enough to look after his family and protect them." He said in an authoritative tone.

But I'm also his daughter. Stubborn and hot headed. And I will also not back off.

"I will dad and that's final." I stood from sofa

"Shut up Ihita, we are not fools who think you need him to protect us." This time mom spoke. I shut my eyes. It hurts when they shout at me.

I looked at Nitya who was literally cursing me in her mind. I know that. Even by any chance if she got to know about what game I played, then I'm sure that she would kill me.

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