Chapter 33 - The Blade

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Hell had never looked so charming as the speckles of ember that cascaded from burning buildings brushed by like some twisted autumn spectacle. Hands held tight, Alastor hums a gentle tune as deer hoof prints, glowing emerald green, lead down the street.

The further you walked, the more anticipation built in the pit of your stomach, almost choking you up with a gentle anxiety. Ever present, it now made itself much more known than you would like it to have.

"Don't worry, my darling," Alastor squeezes your hand, "it's just like hunting in the woods,"

"We've never really hunted together," you counter, "and usually deers can't hold guns or knives or explosives-"

"Yes, alright, you have a fair point... but these miscreants have no idea we are on our way, do they?" he raises a brow, only to whistle for his shadow when your concerned look didn't falter. "Do they know we're on our way?"

The shadow shakes its head, grinning maliciously on the wall, which comforts you in some sick way. "And if-"

"If you wish for a break, just leave. I'm sure it will be no issue," he then stops at the very last prints, "These are low-level sinners. They don't stand a chance against you, my love," he turns, hand resting against your face, giving a slight caress with his thumb. "Just as I taught you, yes?"

"Eyes on the target. Don't doubt myself. Aim for the head." You repeat the words he had stated so many times.

"Eyes up. On the target," Alastor whispers, adjusting your hold on the rifle. "Just like that. That's my girl,"

"What if-" You stammer a little bit, quickly glancing back to your grip.

"Don't doubt yourself, Y/n," he hums, using his other hand to lift your chin a little. "Eyes on the target. Don't doubt yourself... and?"

"Aim for the head," you mumble before pulling the trigger, only slightly taken aback by the sound.

"I suppose we also have the upper hand with magic," you reason, loading up your gun quickly. "Shall we?"

"We shall," he gives you a soft kiss on the temple before adjusting his coat and opening the door for you.

"Evening, boys," you rest the gun on your shoulder and look at the group gambling. One, two, three, four. "Is this all of you?"

A flush of a toilet was heard before the very last one re-entered the room. "Ah, that should be it then," Alastor then walks in, causing all of them to grab their guns, "how rude of you not to do the same when my darling Y/n walked in," he asks.

"Men," you comment before turning back, "I'm assuming you're all a little confused, so let me refresh your memory... You broke into, ruined and stole from my museum,"

"Oh... fuck." One of them scorns, "You're on your own!" he grabs his cash from the table and goes to leave, only for you to raise your aim and fire a single shot between his eyes.

The other four stumble back off their chairs, immediately opening fire on you and Alastor. As luck would have it, a shield of black and green forms over you both, "brilliant aim!" his eyes started to flicker to radio dials, "now it's time for the real fun," His voice was distorted and filled with static and venom.


"That was rather uneventful," you sigh, taking the handkerchief Alastor held out to wipe blood from your hands.

"I must say I didn't expect much from such lowlifes, but I'm honestly disappointed," he then takes the handkerchief once you are done and tucks it away. "I suppose you should do the honours,"

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