Chapter 10

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Persephone wasn't currently talking to anyone she was living with. She'd gone to Davina's church attic home just to see her doing a spell. When she asked what spell it was, Davina told her Elijah had given it to her. Persephone hadn't even known that Elijah had been returned to them. Why would they give the spell to Davina? Did they think Persephone wasn't strong enough to do it on her own? She didn't know.

She was now on her way to pick up some dinner. It was the full moon so she planned on changing in the basement and at least running around the hundred acre property. Persephone thought things were looking up. Then she saw Tyler Lockwood. His eyes connected with hers and he recognized her quickly. She turned to walk the opposite way but then he appeared next to her. "Amour?" he asked, "What are you doing here?"

"You know, I'm surprised you aren't dead. And it's Persephone." she corrected him and kept walking.

"Sorry. Persephone, what are you doing here?"

"Not that it is any of your business, but I'm getting dinner. Why are you here? You know I'll kill you if you try to mess with Nik again." Tyler shook his head and tried to control his anger.

"I don't get your attachment to them. I'm your brother!" She was shocked. She stopped walking to look him in his eyes. They were almost the same height.


"Come on, you had to have figured it out. You're too smart not to. There aren't a lot of werewolves that your mom could've come across. Then I saw my Dad's will. You were in it."

"What?"She was honestly stuck. But then she began to think about it. She supposed it was logical.

"My mom refused to execute it. Then Klaus killed her. I just found the paperwork."

"What?" She asked again then shook her head, "It means nothing anyway. What do I care that your father impregnated my mother? You've only ever been an asshole to me. I'm not gonna be on your side now because we share blood. I share more than that with Nik. If I find out you're here to cause trouble, I'm killing you." She began to walk again, trying to get away from him.

"You know he's the reason you're so fucked up." Tyler called out after her at a normal tone, knowing with her werewolf abilities, she'd hear it. She rushed back to him, her eyes glowing.

"No! Our father and my mother are the reason I am fucked up. Being raised by an older sister and a drunk grandmother is a reason I'm fucked up. Being a witch werewolf hybrid is why I am fucked up. But absolutely none of it is because of Niklaus. But I will say he is one of the reasons you are fucked up. Another is that you're just a little bitch. I've dealt with the change. Almost every month. Get over yourself." She forgot about the food and ran off.

Persephone should've told someone that she'd seen Tyler. But they'd kept so many secrets from her. She would do the same. She was lounging around the house when she saw Elijah walk in with Haley. She was reading from her grimoire. Persephone didn't even look up to acknowledge either of their presences. "Elijah, so nice that you told me you were no longer in danger. How silly of me to care for your wellbeing." she said as she flipped through pages.

"My apologies, Persephone. There have been quite a few matters that have required my attention."

"Aren't there always," she muttered and closed the book.

"I am sorry." She smiled at him softly.

"I know. Well I am glad that you are okay. I'm gonna go see a friend."

"Has that much changed in my absence?"

"Not much, honestly. but I am capable of being friends with people. I am friends with you guys."


"Right. So, I should go." She didn't even acknowledge Haley. Everyone else did. And she understood on a base level. Haley was carrying the next generation of Mikaelson. The generation that had waited a thousand years to be born. But she didn't see a need to add to it.

She walked into Davina's attic. It was cloaked with magic but Persephone saw through it. Davina looked over at her from her easel. Persephone saw it, "You're really good." She spoke of the art work. Then she looked at the portrait, "Who is it?"

"I don't know. But she's important. And she's dangerous." Davina told her, "What brings you by?" Persephone shrugged and plopped down on the bed.

"Had nothing better to do. Don't you get sick and tired of people keeping things from you for your own good?"

"Yes. But who's keeping something from you?"

"I spoke to my Grams during Samhain last year. She didn't mention that she knew where my werewolf side came from but she had to have known. I hate being the last to know."

"I get it. I was the last to know my throat would be slit and I'd be sacrificed to the ancestors."

"Yeah, we both have weird lives," Persephone said and Davina giggled.

"So what do you do besides be the Mikaelson's witch and play violin? Am I your only friend?"

"I mean technically. But I'm not a huge people person."

"I was- before all this. but now I just, I don't feel like I can trust anyone."

"Because everyone is trying to use you. I know how that feels."

"So have you ever been interested in any boys?" she asked with a blush that said she was thinking about the violin player.

"Not like you and Tim. Umm-I have a soulmate," Persephone admitted.

"What? How do you know?" Davina put down her charcoal and wiped off her hands.

"We have a psychic connection but also I just know." She tried to explain it, even to herself. But it was something she just knew.

"Who is it?"

"Nik's younger brother Kol. But someone killed him then I went all Persephone."

"You went Persephone?" Davina was confused and Persephone laughed.

"Not like me. Like the goddess. I went dark. I killed like four people. Three were vampires and one was a vampire hunter who only killed the vampires he didn't like." She waited for her new friend to judge her. To tell her to leave. To call her the 'm' word she'd heard so often from people. But Davina just kept her face still as she moved to sit down next to her.

"I haven't killed anyone but I know that magic in the quarter is death and I tell Marcel when I find out who did it so I guess I'm responsible."

"We're harsh to people that hurt us. That's not such a bad thing. At least not in my book."

"So what's Kol like?" Davina asked and it began over an hour of discussion of both the highs and lows of her soulmate. 

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