Them Teaching You How To Use A Sword/Supporting You Learning

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Jon Snow: Fairly early on in the relationship, Jon would insist on the importance of you learning to use a sword for protection, so he would offer to teach you. Jon would be very serious about your lessons at first, growing frustrated quickly as you wouldn't take things too seriously. He'd remind you that protecting yourself isn't a joke. As time would go on, however, he would start to lighten up as he was just enjoying his time with you, starting to chuckle whenever you did something silly and being much more light-hearted in his instruction and criticism.

Robb Stark: At the start or your relationship, Robb would always scoff if you would ask him to teach you how to use a sword. When things would start to get more serious, with war looming on the horizon, he would start to be paranoid for your safety, and be insistent that you would learn to use a sword. He would also refuse to have you learn from anyone but himself, just so that he could ensure that you get the best training possible. He would try to be gentle and light, but the seriousness of the situation would set in, and he wouldn't tolerate any joking around, lecturing you about how dangerous it can be not being able to defend yourself.

Bran Stark: If you didn't want to learn to use a sword, Bran would be fine with that, but he would also support your decision to learn. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to teach you himself, but he would find the best people to train you, and whenever you would train, he would be there calmly watching you and giving you encouragement whenever you would seem to struggle.

Ned Stark: Ned wouldn't really mind one way or the other if you wanted to learn to use a sword, but if you did ask him, he would gladly teach you himself, enjoying spending the time with you. He would always be gentle in his instructions and criticism, praising you often. He would even sometimes seem playful, joking around a little bit. His one important rule was that the lessons would just be between the two of you however, and that you wouldn't tell anyone else, as he thought it might be controversial and didn't want to have people judging you or looking down on you for not being proper enough.

Joffrey Baratheon: Joffrey isn't the most talented with a sword, nor would he approve of the idea of you learning to use one, scoffing every time you would ask, pointing out that wouldn't need one as you would always be protected by guards. If you were determined to learn anyway, you would have to find someone to teach you secretly. When Joffrey would notice your absences and would ask you about it, you would tell him that you're taking lessons on being proper at court, feeling that you could brush up on your skills and impress everyone.

Tommen Baratheon: Tommen wouldn't really be skilled or experienced enough to teach you how to use a sword, and he wouldn't really have time anyway, but he would be thrilled to hear that you want to learn, and he would help you to find someone to train you, knowing that you would have to learn in secret. He would love to hear you tell him all about what you were learning, and maybe even show him a little bit. Eventually, he would decide to start sneaking away every once in a while to join you in your lessons, making very fun as you would playfully fight with each other.

Jaime Lannister: Jaime would be quite excited when you would ask him to teach you to use a sword, but he would disguise his excitement with teasing, jokingly asking you if you didn't trust him to protect you anymore. Eventually he would let up and just admit to you how happy he was that you want to learn from him. The entire time he would teach you, he would tease you with little touches, and he would keeps things fun by making jokes about what you were doing.

Tyrion Lannister: Tyrion would be absolutely supportive of your decision to learn to use a sword. He would love how strong and independent you were, and would happily help you set up secret lessons if you asked, wanting you to always be protected. Whenever he was able to, he would try to be there for your lessons, praising you and complimenting your skill, finding the positive side even if you weren't doing very well.

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