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There are few words i want to tell you. . . . .

DONT. . . .trust. . . .them. . . . . 

What you know or happened here in the factory. . . is much worst than you ever think. . . .And if your from another realm and tried to change things, if you tried to tell the one whom you trusted to believe them and dont trust the one who will cause trouble and harm. . . .

You ended getting hurt by the one whom you trusted. . . .The others. . . they will not listen. . . .That's how i lost my trust on them. . . . .

Why am i saying this?? because this. . . .is how a fallen angel. . . . .have fallen.


Loud blaring alarm noise echoed as rushing footsteps can be heard. Loud scream of terror and pained as some of them were killed. Brown eyes scan around the area, guiding the children that she manage to saved quickly as possible before leaving them at the safe bunker that she found before going back to save others if she can. She run around the lab, ignoring the plead of help from the scientist as they were eaten alive by a mini critters that she dare not to look.

She only gave the scientist a glared before continued running. She arrive outside of the lab and stared in horrific sight before her. Toys that she used to take care, began to killed many guests and co-workers. . . Neither innocent or not are spared from this killing spree. She quickly move away as fast as she could, trying to find someone or anyone to plead to stop this killing spree. She arrive at the playcare, ignoring the blood spilled everywhere as many co-workers run away as they were being chased by someone. And by someone that she knew.

" [redacted]! stop!" she plead as she stood in front of [redacted], stopping him from stepping forward to killed more. "Please, we dont want to do this. . .this is not the way to gain freedom." She plead as she stared at him with pleadful look on her face. [redacted] stared at her, not saying anything as she stood there.

"Please [redacted]. . .please just listen to me." she plead again before flinching when [redacted] spoke." PROTOTYPE WILL SAVE US!" Her eyes went wide when [redacted] raised their claw before bringing it down to her.

Scream of pained coming out from her as she hold both of her cheeks in pain as blood continued to spilled out of her new flesh wounds on her cheek. She hold her cheek in pain before looking up to [redacted] with horrific expression on her face." why. . . .WHY?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" She yelled at [redacted], who just stared at her before raising their claw again to killed her.

The look of betrayal and anger appeared on her face before she manage to dodge it and run away, holding her bloody face without looking back. She didnt care if she was being followed, she rather die than facing that  bastard.

She arrive at the lab, staggering her steps as she ignored the blood spilled everyone from the floor, ceiling and the walls. Seeing no dead bodies around after the hour of joy before arriving at the lab. She start fixing herself before putting on her mask to hide her hidious scar that was given by the one who started it.

Not long before leaving, she notice something. A room that was untouch by anyone. Curious and alert, she opened it and entered the room as she found herself some sort an incubator room. Then she headed to a incubator and froze to see what inside. Inside was a baby.

A baby that has a features of a human and other things. She look at the information and was shock to realized that the baby was hers after someone have taken her blood and the other two blood to created this.

Though, she should feel disgusted or anger at this but seeing the baby in front of her, made her gaze soften before she gently took the newborn into her arms. Then hold the baby close to her, nuzzling her face against the new born face softly as tears start to come out of her eyes.

"Looks like were in this together huh?? I guess i'll name you. . . . . .Eclipse. . . . .my little eclipse. . . " she said softly as she hold now happy and giggling awake baby in her arms as her wings slowly appeared out of her back as she step out of the room, heading to the bunker where other children that she manage to saved are there, waiting for her to come back.

That's how the fallen angel have emerged. She will do whatever it takes to protect the children who she took as her own. If she needs to killed to protect them, then she will killed them for her children safety.

And to fixed the trust between them?? well, it will take time for her. . . .to trust you after all it happened.

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