Chapter 3

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I know what you're thinking. What kind of psychopath would strike his own teacher? Well, in my defense, I'd never caused any trouble up to that point in my life. My grades had always been solid. And I was one of those guys who hardly spoke a word in class...unless, of course I was called upon. Even then, my heart would race after being thrust into the spotlight, so I'd answer any questions using the fewest number of words possible. No kidding.

But after Cheryl had said those things about my father, my brain had pretty much split in two. I knew that Dad would never diddle his prize athlete. Yet I couldn't deny the fact that he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, either. After all, giving an eighteen-year-old girl your car keys is downright idiotic. Not to mention driving her home. Only a moron could do something so stupid.

When I finally arrived at the office, I was greeted by an overweight secretary named Janet Kolski. She was standing behind the counter.

She said, "Johnny? What are you doing here?"

"I've been sent because of my misbehavior. The office referral should be coming any time now."

She sighed to show her displeasure. "Well, your dad is talking to Father Bennet right now. Just have a seat until the principal can see you."

I sat in silence with my eyes fixed on the crucifix that hung on the opposite wall. I asked Jesus to cut me some slack. I didn't want to get arrested and end up in the court system. I was sixteen years old, and the last thing I needed was to get tried as an adult.

About five minutes later, Mr. Bradley entered the room and slammed the office referral on the countertop. Somehow, he had managed to get back to his feet and reattach his fake leg. He possessed angry eyes and flaring nostrils. He wanted my head on a platter.

Janet patted him on the hand. "You look like you've just went through a terrible battle."

"It's true. I've been through a battle. It wasn't as bad as getting my leg blown off in Baghdad, but it was no walk in the park, either."

She smiled at him. "Tell Miss Janet all about your troubles."

He pointed his finger in my direction. "See that wayward youth sitting in the corner over there?"

She continued to smile. "Sure. Everybody knows who Johnny is. The most handsome boy in all the school."

"Well, he sucker punched me less than ten minutes ago." He waved the office referral in her face. "And that's why I'm here. I want to make sure that he gets his just desserts for his crazy actions. But I also want to personally let him know that he punches like a little girl. I've been hit harder on multiple occasions by disgruntled Muslim women out in the killing fields of Iraq."

Miss Janet's smile suddenly turned into a frown. "Johnny, you hit Mr. Bradley with your fist?"

"I didn't mean to. It just sorta happened. Nobody feels worse about it than me."

Bradley chuckled loudly. "Nobody feels worse than you? Really?" He laughed again. "Oh, I would highly doubt that. Let me punch you in the head, and then we can discuss the matter."

Janet gazed at me in disbelief. "But, Johnny, he only has one leg. It hardly seems fair."

He sneered at me. "Do you think the youth of today gives two craps about duty or honor? Well, let me disabuse you of that notion. On the contrary, Janet. All they care about is watching porn and playing their computer games."

After getting that off his chest, he marched off back to class.

Johnny Gets His Wingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें