The Reveals

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In order to uncover how the Bigger Bodies were actually made, I had to get into the Innovation wing of the factory. And I never got authorisation for that, and if I got found out, I'd get fired. So I needed someone who could go in there. So I hid somewhere and once the factory closed, I looked for those who would go to that zone of the Playtime Co. factory.

There were several scientists, who I expected, employees who were on night shift, who I had to avoid, but then some 'things' who I never expected came in: The Bigger Bodies. All of them. Including DogDay. Now I knew who I could use to get in there, so I swiftly made my exit.

Now the real challenge came in persuading DogDay to help me get into the wing without getting caught. And of course, that wouldn't be easy, as if he got found out, he'd be quickly relieved of his Bigger Body duties.

As such, he was quite surprised by my idea, and said "I don't think that would be a good idea..."
"I have to, because if what I think is true, then Playtime Co. has been experimenting on the kids from PlayCare, and that would be why they leave.

That triggered DogDay.
"Why would you think that?! You're an employee here, and you go ahead and accuse the Innovation Department of conducting inhumane experiments on kids in PlayCare!" he shouted suddenly. I jumped back, startled by his reaction. "Samuel left, and Theodore, and all my friends!" I protested. "Kids have never left in that quantity!"
"Get away!" DogDay exclaimed. "Who even are you, saying that?"

That was it. I slammed my fist against the wall in frustration and walked back out of PlayCare. DogDay definitely wasn't going to help. Furthermore, the way that he reacted made me question whether he was Samuel at all. That thought made me even more determined to get into the Innovation wing.

The next day, I was still sore over DogDay's reaction, and I noticed one of the Innovation workers entering the Innovation wing. Dr. White, I noticed bitterly, who had chosen Samuel to leave PlayCare. He didn't even bother to look at me. When I got to my wing where I would work, DogDay was in the doorway.
"Um, excuse me? I have to get through here," I said.
"Listen. I shouldn't have said what I said yesterday..." DogDay replied, his voice apologetic. "It was... just a surprise... that's all. And I... I want to help you get into Innovation."
"You do? Thanks!" I said, hugging DogDay tightly.

So we met after dark, me hiding where I'd hidden before.
"Ok," DogDay whispered. "I'll go in and secretly disable the security cameras. Once all the workers stream out, including me, you can go in. You have to be careful, though, as those cameras won't stay off for long. I nodded, and stayed hidden. Once they'd streamed out, DogDay stayed in the main room, and I went in.

What I found proved my suspicions. I saw on the screen the highest scores from the Game Station. At the top? Samuel, Theo, and several other kids who had gone to the Game Station with me. I also found some papers, and they horrified me. Samuel and all the other kids were described on them, along with what toys they'd be transformed into. And Samuel was DogDay, Theo was CatNap, Sarah was Bobby Bearhug and numerous others had all been converted into Smiling Critters. I came out again, and DogDay breathed a sigh of relief, but something seemed... different in the lobby.

The first thing I noticed was a box had been added to the Huggy Wuggy Pedestal in the lobby. It was blue, with a yellow star on the front. The second thing was two fluffy red legs and arms that came out of the bottom and sides of the box. The third was a massive red-furred head with jet black eyes come out of the top. It opened its mouth, exposing two rows of razor sharp teeth. I recognised the 'toy' immediately. It was Boxy Boo, and he jumped up to me and started chasing me and DogDay, his main target being me for becoming aware of the real Bigger Bodies initiative.
"Follow me!" DogDay said. "I'll lead you to a place where he can't follow us!" I nodded and followed him. Boxy Boo was fast and could close the distance to me in a single leap, but I was able to just about stay ahead of him. If it wasn't for his springy limbs, of course. Just as I was about to get through a gate, he grabbed me by the leg and started dragging me towards his waiting maw. DogDay saw this and raced back, kicking Boxy in the box that made up his chest, slung me over his shoulder and raced back towards the gate, closing the door from the button on the other side, leaving Boxy Boo to roar in frustration.

"Thank you... DogDay..." I panted. Now I knew what the purpose of Boxy Boo was. It was to dispose of any employees who became aware of the initiative.
"I would do anything to keep you safe," DogDay acknowledged.

This was it. I had to show DogDay the report of Samuel to find out if he was really Samuel or not. I held the paper up to him, and asked "Does this remind you of anything?"
That jogged DogDay's memory, and he remembered who he was! He wrapped me in the strongest embrace he'd ever gave me and replied "I do remember something! I am Samuel!"
"Really?" I cried.
"Yes, I am!" he shouted, while both of us were crying tears of joy in finding out that Samuel had never left.
"Ok, DogDay. I have a confession to make..." I said.
"I'm going to have to quit, for as long as I'm here, Boxy will come after me, and if those cameras turned on while I was in the Innovation wing, I'll get fired anyway."
"That's fine, my friend," DogDay replied. I'll keep in touch with you."

So the next day, I handed in my resignation notice and quit my job. But I started getting letters from DogDay, seeing how I was doing, and I wrote back with the same message. We were pen pals of sorts. Until 2005, when I got a letter from him. Inside was a vintage commercial VHS tape for the doll known as Poppy that Playtime Co. had created, along with a message.

It read 'Everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago. We're still here. Find the flower.'

Was DogDay still there, even after the factory closed? Were the staff still there too?

I had to find out. I packed my things, and headed back to the factory to uncover what DogDay meant in that message, and to uncover the truth.

The End

If you've played or watched Chapter One to Chapter Three of Poppy Playtime, you'll know that this leads into to the first chapter where the player rescues DogDay. It was fun writing this story. Anyways, see you around!

All Winds Blow Away Eventually Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora