Chapter 33

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My peaceful dream suddenly disappeared when I felt someone shaking my arm. I shifted around and slowly opened my eyes. The person staring down at me gave me a fright, so I quickly sat up straight.

But I immediately regretted it when a huge migraine hit me.

"Argh fuck, my head." I cried while clutching my hair.

"Now you know how I feel because of that damn alarm of yours." He grumbled with an annoyed look on his face.

I opened my eyes again and squinted hard to see him. My mind was all over the place, I can't even remember anything that happened the night before or how I ended up here.

But I do recognize him. He was always with Adrian. What was his name again?


Small snippets of my memory from last night started to flow in. I started to remember drinking after that idiot slipped a drug in my cup, me sitting on the staircase, and that's when Adrian saw me.

Whatever happened after that was a blur.

"Where am I?" I quickly asked his friend who was still standing by the bed.

"In the boys' dormitory. You're in Adrian's bed."

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets the minute I heard him. I quickly scanned the room and the bed before throwing the covers aside.

To my relief, I was still wearing the same clothes from last night. Not that I had suspected one of them would've taken advantage of me in that situation, I just had to make sure.

Besides, I may not be that close to either of them, but I do trust that they won't do anything that bad.

I swiftly turned around and grabbed my phone off the nightstand beside the bed. I stared in shock at the time displayed on the screen.

"Dammit! It's already 11 am? I have a class."

I scrambled out of bed with my phone in hand and hurriedly left the room, searching frantically for the front door.

"Hey, Adrian said you can't leave yet until he gets here." The guy shouted from behind me.

"Adrian can go screw himself. I'm late for class!"

He loudly scoffed and I stopped at the door and turned back to him.

"That's how you're thanking him for taking care of your drunk ass last night? You know, if I knew you were gonna be this way, I would've told him to leave you behind at the party so you can take care of yourself."

I clenched my jaw and grabbed the doorknob but didn't look away from him.

"I'm sorry, what is your name again?"

He immediately narrowed his eyes at me.


"Amir." I repeated while nodding my head. "I have to leave because I'm already ten minutes late to my class. Whatever your issue is with me, we can discuss it some other time. As for Adrian..."

I paused, realizing I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"...I'll thank him later."

I turned around and pulled the door open, and my heart dropped when I saw Adrian standing outside, in a blue hoodie and black sweatpants, holding a paper bag and two coffees in one hand.

"Or you can thank him now." Amir piped up from the back, and I heard a door close a minute later.

Adrian remained expressionless as he walked past me and entered the room. I frowned and quickly turned around to see him again.

He placed the stuff on top of the table, and I finally got a good look at the purplish bruise on the side of his mouth. He suddenly looked up and our eyes met.

"You're in an awful hurry to leave." He said while leaning his back against the table and folding his arms together.

"I'm late for class." I answered with a small voice.

He nodded once and pulled his phone out from the pocket of his hoodie.

"What happened to your face?" His eyes immediately snapped back to mine.

"Nothing." He replied curtly.

"You didn't look that way last night." He slowly lowered his phone and raised his brow at me.

"So you remembered what happened last night?"

I glanced away to the side before shaking my head.

"Not everything."

"Well, I hope you do remember everything soon so you can realize how reckless and stupid you were."

His words pinched at my feelings, and I glared at him.

"I'm not in the mood for this."

I quickly left the room and closed the door behind me before heading back to my own dorm room to get ready, even though I'm already late.


"Dude, have you seen the video?" My classmate Ayla asked as we walked out of the classroom together after our class had ended.

"What video?" I replied curiously while rummaging through my messenger bag for my phone.

"Adrian and some guy got into a huge fight last night during the party. Apparently, Chad, the guy he punched was secretly selling this type of homemade candy to everyone at the party. It's supposed to make you feel high for only a moment and once it's over you'll be completely sober again. He was selling it to those that were already drunk last night and Adrian found out and confronted him. Chad ended up at the ER with a broken nose."

I stopped walking, all the information she was feeding me was quickly processing in my head and now, the pieces are all starting to fit in together.

So that's how he got that bruise on his face...

But that Chad guy, he's definitely the same person that put the same candy in my drink. And I remember Adrian walking off after leaving me with Nate, saying he had to take care of something.

Was that what all the fight was about?

Did he confront Chad... because of what happened to me?

"Do you know why he really did that?" I asked Ayla and she smiled.

"I heard a rumor that some girl he likes was one of the people that also got the candy and she was totally out of it. He found out and got mad and went after Chad."

Some girl he likes...?

No, that can't be me, right?

I don't....we don' each other that way. Like she was just a rumor.

There's no way that Adrian would like me, enough to break someone's nose because they slipped a 'candy' in my drink that got me feeling more than high.

He wouldn't actually go out of his way to do that for me.

Would he...?

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