mindlessly texting

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Liked by PbwithnoJ and 128 othersParty was so lit I didn't even remember it🔥

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Liked by PbwithnoJ and 128 others
Party was so lit I didn't even remember it🔥


@olivegarden: I think I took this pic
^@Beccaiscool: thanks☺️💗

@pressedaf: cool..
^@Beccaiscool: I know I am!!

@user: I'm so happy i was accepted to this account the vibes are so cool

@Pbwithnoj: Caption is relatable
^@beccaiscool: 😭
^@olivegarden: i'm confused...

real life

"Becca!" I heard Liv scream from her room.
I got out of my cozy bed to go see what she needed to bother me about.
I walked into her room to see our other roommate Preston in her room as well.
"Becca, can you explain to me as to why exactly THE Paige Bueckers is commenting from her private account on your instagram post??" Liv asked me in a confused tone.
There typically isn't anything in my life that I don't tell Preston and Liv..
But I just couldn't find a way to tell them about Paige.
Not that it really mattered since I'll probably never see Paige again.
But still I hate keeping things from the two of them.
"Well you see.. the night of the party I kind of got drunk and hooked up with Paige." I blurt out.
I see the faces of Liv and Preston drop.
"You WHAT!" Preston screams.
I cover my ears from his screech.
"Oh my fucking god.." Liv says looking absolutely shocked.
"I didn't even know you were gay!" She adds.
This earns a chuckle from Preston.
"So are you guys like talking now?" Pres asks.
"No!" I snap quickly.
They both roll their eyes.
"I thought you were gonna leave your one-night-stand phase in the past.." The girl says completely calling me out.
"I don't even remember it happening!" I say in defense.
"Like that makes it any better." Pres snaps.
They can tell by my facial expressions that I am annoyed by them right now.
"Just forget about it okay. I'll never see her again!" I snap.
They both look at each other with a sorrow look.
We are all used to pushing each other but I think it is clear that I didn't want to talk about this anymore.
"Hey I'm sorry-"
"It's ok just forget it." I say cutting off Liv and giving them both a tight lipped smile.
"I need to go to the library to finish up my physics work."
They both nod at my statement and I collect my things.
"You still on for tonight?" Pres asks as I'm about to leave.
"Movie night. I'll never miss it!" I say in a definite tone.
This earns smiles from my friends.

I've been studying for 4 hours when I got a notification from my phone.

"Paige Bueckers has added you on snapchat"

What does this girl want from me..
I know that she has plenty of girls and probably boys for all I know up in her DM's.
Why does she have to bother me?
Out of curiosity I added the girl back.
And within minutes I see another notification from her pop up on my screen.
I wait till i'm driving back to my dorm to answer it.

Paige Bueckers

Paige Bueckers

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She started texting me in chat

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She started texting me in chat.
I opened her message and before I knew it we started a conversation.

Paige Bueckers
What major?

Exercise science wbu?

Paige Bueckers
human development and family studies

sounds smart

Paige Bueckers
you play any sports here??

Ya I'm a captain of the soccer team.

Paige Bueckers
Impressive i've gotta step up my game lol

idk I've heard you're quite the athlete yourself

Paige Bueckers
I have a game tomorrow night, come see for yourself?

Ya sure if you pay for my seats

Paige Bueckers
How bout court seats right behind uconn's bench?

I mean it was a joke but
Aren't those expensive af

Paige Bueckers
nah I can pull some strings.
but only if you're wearing my number

I'll be there!

Paige Bueckers

I looked at the time and realized it had been an hour of me just mindlessly texting.
I've been parked outside my dorm this whole time mindlessly texting the paige bueckers.
I mean I feel bad for our neighbors they must think I'm stalking someone.
And to be completely honest I'm starting to stress out about the game.
Do I tell Liv and Preston?
But what if they don't support it.
Especially after I told them I'll never see her again.
And what if she ghosts me after this, I shouldn't get their hopes up.

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