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Despite Eunwoo's silence, Lee Know continued to reach out to him day after day, his heart heavy with worry and longing. Each unanswered call and unanswered text only deepened his sense of loneliness and uncertainty.

"Hyung," he would write, his fingers hovering over the keys of his phone as he typed out his messages. "Hyung, where are you?" he would ask, the words filled with a silent plea for connection. "Hyung, have you already forgotten me?" he would wonder, his heart aching with the fear of abandonment.

But no matter how many times he reached out, there was no response from Eunwoo, no indication that his words were even being heard. And with each passing day, the weight of his unanswered messages took its toll on Eunwoo, weighing heavily on his heart and soul.

Meanwhile, Eunwoo fought a daily battle with himself, struggling to resist the urge to pick up the phone and call Lee Know back. The pain of their separation was like a constant ache in his chest, a reminder of the love he had lost and the emptiness that now consumed him.

Yet, despite his efforts to move on, Eunwoo couldn't deny the truth that lingered in the depths of his heart. He couldn't just forget about Lee Know, couldn't simply erase him from his life as if he had never existed. And as the days turned into weeks, Eunwoo came to a painful realization: he would never be able to get over the younger man that easily.


However, Lee Know was going to meet Jungkook's members today.

As Lee Know and Jungkook entered the bustling restaurant, a mix of excitement and nerves fluttered in Lee Know's stomach. Sensing his apprehension, Jungkook offered a reassuring smile and a gentle squeeze of his hand.

"Don't worry, you've got this," Jungkook whispered, his words a soothing balm to Lee Know's frazzled nerves.

As they settled into their seats, surrounded by Jungkook's group members, the air buzzed with anticipation. "So, this must be the famous Lee Know," one of the members exclaimed with a grin, extending a hand in greeting.

Lee Know couldn't help but blush under the attention, but the warmth of their welcome put him at ease. "Nice to meet you all," he replied, returning the handshake with a smile.

As the evening wore on, plates of delicious food were passed around the table, accompanied by lively conversation and laughter. The group members eagerly peppered Lee Know with questions, eager to get to know the person who had captured Jungkook's heart.

"So, how did you two meet?" one of them asked, curiosity shining in their eyes.

Jungkook chuckled, sharing a glance with Lee Know before launching into the story of their first encounter, each detail punctuated by laughter and fond memories.

As the night drew to a close, Lee Know couldn't help but feel grateful for the warm welcome he had received from Jungkook's friends. 

As Lee Know settled into the lively atmosphere of the restaurant, he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that settled over him. Across the room, he felt the piercing gaze of someone familiar: Jungkook's ex, Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook must have sensed his discomfort, for he squeezed Lee Know's hand reassuringly, silently conveying that everything would be okay. Lee Know returned the gesture with a grateful smile, taking comfort in Jungkook's reassuring presence. Jungkook excused himself for a moment.

As Lee Know chatted animatedly with J-Hope and Jimin, the lively atmosphere of the restaurant enveloped him in a sense of camaraderie. But as time ticked by and Jungkook failed to return from the restroom, a sense of unease began to gnaw at him.

Glancing around anxiously, Lee Know's heart skipped a beat when he realized Jungkook was nowhere to be found. Fearing the worst, he excused himself from the conversation and made his way to the restroom.

As he pushed open the door, Lee Know's heart plummeted at the sight before him. There, in the dimly lit space, Jungkook and Taehyung were locked in a passionate embrace, their lips melding together in a fervent kiss.

The words hit Lee Know like a punch to the gut, each syllable a dagger to his already wounded heart.

"Why would you date him when you love me?" Taehyung's voice cut through the air, laced with accusation and hurt.

Jungkook's response was barely a whisper, but it echoed in Lee Know's ears like a thunderclap. "I was lonely... I love you still," he confessed, his words a painful admission of his own weakness.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, Lee Know stumbled backward, his heart shattering into a million jagged pieces. In his haste to escape, he accidentally knocked over a nearby vase, the sound ringing out like a death knell in the silence of the room.

Jungkook's horrified gaze met Lee Know's tear-filled eyes, and in that moment, the younger man felt like his world was crumbling around him.

"I came to check on you... I didn't mean to... I am sorry," Lee Know stammered, his voice choked with emotion as he turned and fled from the scene.

Returning to their table, Lee Know's trembling form drew concerned glances from Jungkook's friends, but he couldn't find the words to explain what he had just witnessed. His heart felt like it was being torn apart, the pain of betrayal and heartbreak threatening to consume him whole.

Without a second thought, Lee Know bolted from the restaurant, tears streaming down his cheeks as he ran blindly through the streets. His mind was a whirlwind of confusion and despair, his only instinct to escape the pain that threatened to engulf him.

Finally reaching the safety of the dorm, Lee Know collapsed onto his bed, his body wracked with sobs as he struggled to make sense of what had just happened. In that moment, all he could feel was the overwhelming ache of a heart broken once again.

 In that moment, all he could feel was the overwhelming ache of a heart broken once again

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Cha Eun woo x Lee Know x Jungkook : I found him firstWhere stories live. Discover now