Plan 4

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Every one had dinner in silence no one talked about the fight which happened and no one talked about mugdha's fainting, latika told Bhavna that mugdha's hand is injured while cooking, so she is resting and every one got busy in eating.

But dhanraj singhania was looking at hriday and Arjun.

He clicked his tongue and started.
"Huh, aj kal ke bacche bhi na kuch nahi kar sakte, fight bhi ki to bass kindergarten ke baccho Jaisi."
(Huh, today's generation is so immature, they can't fight properly they fought just like kindergarten kids.)

Looking at everyone dhanraj emphasis.
"Do you all know? when I had fought with Vishvas, when we ware at your age. we both ware admitted in the hospital. as we had really very bad fatal injuries and look at you both just some scratches.

Listening this both hriday and Arjun felt they have got tight slap, this is their insult. Come on there was some one was unconscious so they stop their fight if not there must be funeral of one of them or Both of them.

Others just acknowledged his statement silently.
They all are from prestigious families and knows about the power dhanraj singhania holds, noone is going to talk back with him. They have brain.
So they keep there opinion to themselves.

But Anand Agnihotri was having complicated look, he was thinking.
'I thought only I have mental patient in my family, but now I can give guarantee that this family surely give compitition in craziness to Agnihotri's.'
Shaking his head he again started to dig in his food.

Maithili after dinner asked for glass of milk and went to Mugdha's room to deliver it personally.

Maithili called her who was brushing her teeth in bathroom for nth time.

Mugdha washing her face come out of bathroom and taking the glass immediately drunk it .

Mugdha signed by her hand.

Both of them settled on sofa, and maithili and mugdha Both of them asked the same question, maithili by her voice, and mugdha by her hand sign.

"How are you?"

Both laughed.

"Are you okay "
Again both asked the same question.

Both laughed.

Mugdha in sign language said.
"I am fine and happy."

Maithili caressing Mugdha's wrist looked at mugdha with teary face.

"Mugdha, when I did this, at that time you told me that coward to do this type of thing, then why did you do it ."
She wiped her tears and continued.
"You are Bravest person in the world, na!! . Then why?"

Listening this mugdha smiled and said in sign language.

"Yes, I am Bravest person in the world, but that time I thought, I didn't had strength to fight the battle which was going ahead of me ."
Mugdha said in sign language.

"Now? now also you think that it is hard to fight the battle."
Maithili asked caressing Mugdha's cheek.

"No , there is no need to fight cause there is no battle."
Mugdha said in sign language and maithili hugged her.

Both remain in that position crying a little. Mugdha really missed maithili, she was not present in Agnihotri mantion as she was always with her parents house , who lived in Mumbai and mugdha lived in Pune.

Maithili and Anand are brother and sister from kakasaheb Agnihotri aka Sanjay Agnihotri .

Anand is a scientist and maithili is a lawyer, maithili is same age as Arjun Agnihotri and Anand is elder among all of them.
Mugdha never met Anand till today, as today is Both of them had first time encountered with eachother.

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