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Sky and Dorian finally arrive at the address provided by officer Martinez.

"Okay, come on."Killer sighs, pulling the keys from the ignition.

"Killer you need a hospital."Sky says softly.

"You're a nurse aren't you?"he says, leaning over and opening the car door.

"Killer wait, let me-"before Sky could finish her sentence Killer falls to his hands and knees outside the car.

"Damien!"she shouts as she rushes out of the car and over to him.

As she runs over to him and sees him pale, gripping the blade in his shoulder.

"Mommy what's wrong?"Zac says from the backseat.

"It's okay baby, just stay right there for a minute!"Sky says, slowly helping Killer up off the ground.

"I'm okay. I'm okay."Damien says softly.

"You pale as a ghost, come on get to the porch. Sit down."She says, helping him limp over to the porch.

As he sits down she rushes over to the car, pulling the bags and the children from the car.

"Mommy Killer is bleeding!"Zac says as he runs over to Killer.

"It's just a scratch kiddo."Damien breathes.

"Mommy you gotta help him!"Zac says with tears in his eyes.

"I will baby, take Tiana in the house okay? Can you make her a bottle for me?"Sky asks.

"Okay mommy."he pouts, walking over and grunting as he picks up Tiana's car seat and walks it into the house.

"Okay, come on hun let's get you inside. To the kitchen come on."Sky says, making Killer grunt as he stands and begins limping into the house.


After I settle him at the kitchen counter I begin rummaging through the cabinets.

"Zac, baby bring mommy her purse please!"I say, opening a cabinet to find a large bottle of vodka.

"That'll do."I sigh, grabbing it and rushing over to Killer who was sitting at the counter.

"Here mommy."Zac says, sitting my purse on the counter.

I go into it, finding my first aid and stitching kit.

"Okay baby, go watch videos on my phone with Tiana I'll be right there."I say, picking up a pair of scissors and walking over to Killer.

I begin to slice the black hoodie he wore up from the bottom and then carefully pull it away from his body and the blade in his shoulder.

I finally was able to see how long the knife was and how deep it had gone into his shoulder. As well as how much blood he was losing.

"Oh my god Damien."I sigh.

"Give it to me straight, doc."he says.

"I'm gonna have to pull that out you know."I say.

"Just make it quick."he sighs.

I quickly uncap the vodka and rinse my hands with it. Then I quickly pour it over the knife and his wound and he instantly hisses.

"Fuck!"he shouts.

"It's okay, don't be a baby about it."Sky says, her voice shaking as she grips the handle of the knife.

"Just do it."he says, gripping the counter.

Without warning, I yank the blade out and instantly put pressure on the wound with gaus.

Killer shouts and I instantly cover his mouth with one hand, pulling his head back and repeatedly kissed his head.

"Shh shh shh, it's okay baby, it's over."I say soothingly as he whimpers into my hand.

I slowly remove my hand from his mouth and I see him clenching his teeth.

"Good job Killer, here's your reward." I say, handing the bottle of vodka to him.

He hisses and then brings the bottle to his lips, taking a few swigs.

"Okay, ice and gloves. I'll-"I was cut off by him gripping my shirt and pulling me close.

He presses a kiss to my lips and then sighs.

"You're incredible."he says before kissing me again.

"You're very romantic but you're also bleeding out."I say after I break the kiss.


Hj walks into the Royal Family headquarters. That being a large mansion, strange for an assassin agency whose goal is to be inconspicuous.

"Is the king in?"He asks the receptionist, annoyed.

She looks up at him and rolls her eyes before leaning over and pressing a call button on the desk.

"Your Majesty, your bitch prince is here."she says.

Hj bites the inside of his cheek and then smiles, leaning on the desk towards her.

"....one of these days, you and I are going to have the most intense fuck session right on this desk."he says with a smirk.

She smirks as well, leaning towards him and putting her finger under his chin.

"In your fucking dreams, creep. Get out of my face."

He chuckles, leaning closer and causing her smile to grow.

"I love it when you talk dirty, you know."

"Are you two quite done?"

They both look over and see a tall man who looked similar to Hj standing a few feet away.

"Actually we were just getting started."HJ smiles.

"Did you get Mr. Martinez to join or not?"He asks with a straight face.

HJ's smile dies down and he stands straight.

"No. But, I still can. It'll just take a little convincing."he says, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I want that man, Jackson."The king sighs.

"There's a price on his head. He only has one chance to accept."HJ says, getting frustrated.

"I understand that. But I want him in the family. He's worth it, valuable. You saw his file."he says.

"Dad I have to-"

"Fine. You ask him again and if he doesn't join, kill the girl."

Hj scoffs as the King walks back into the office and slams the door.

He looks back at the receptionist and she shakes her head.

"You're a battered man, HJ. A battered man."she says.

"You're going to be battered if you don't shut your mouth."Hj says.

"Ooh, feisty."she smirks, causing him to roll his eyes and walk away.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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