Chapter 1

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"Mommy? I've been thinking. Are there other worlds out there?", the little girl asks. The mother smiled and said, "Yes. There are other worlds beyond our own." The mother's words sparked a curiosity within the little girl's mind. She pondered for a moment, her brows furrowed in thought. "But how can we go there?" she inquired, her eyes wide with wonder. The mother chuckled softly, "Oh, that's a good question. We can't just hop from one world to another like skipping stones on a pond. But there are ways to travel between worlds, like through magical portals or advanced technology." The little girl's face lit up at the mention of magical portals. "Like in fairy tales?" she asked, already imagining herself exploring distant lands. Her mother nodded, adding, "Yes, kind of like that. But remember, these are just stories. In real life, it's much more complicated and dangerous."

The little girl nodded seriously, taking in her mother's words. "I understand," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But wouldn't it be amazing to see those other worlds?" she asked, a spark of excitement returning to her eyes. The mother smiled warmly at her daughter's enthusiasm. "It would be amazing indeed, sweetheart. But remember, we must always use caution when exploring new places. We never know what dangers might lie ahead." She ruffled the girl's hair affectionately before continuing, "But who knows?"
She grinned mischievously. "Maybe one day, when you're older and more experienced, you'll get the chance to explore those magical portals and see what wonders lie beyond our own world." The little girl grinned back, her imagination already running wild with possibilities. The little girl sat up straight in her seat, her eyes shimmering with anticipation. "Really, Mommy?" she asked eagerly. "I can't wait!" The mother laughed and gave her daughter a squeeze. "Just remember, sweetheart, safety always comes first," she reminded her gently. "Good night, mommy!"
The little girl said as she snuggled into her bed, already drifting off to sleep with dreams of magical portals and distant worlds dancing in her head. The mother watched her daughter drift off to sleep, a content smile on her face. She knew that this conversation would be something they'd remember for years to come. As she turned off the lamp and headed towards the door, she couldn't help but wonder what adventures the future might hold for them both. Outside of the house, three cloaked figures used some sort of magic, and stole the little girl away. This wakes up the mother. As the mother was jolted awake by a loud noise coming from outside her house, she was filled with dread and fear. Rushing out to investigate, she saw the unthinkable: her little girl being carried off by three cloaked figures, their faces obscured by shadows.

The mother's heart skipped a beat as she realized what had happened. "No! Give her back!" She shrieked, running after them as fast as she could. But the figures seemed to move with supernatural speed, quickly disappearing into the night. She tried to follow their trail, but it was already growing cold.
The mother felt a surge of panic and desperation as she realized her little girl had been taken away from her. She looked around frantically, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious figures that had stolen her child. But it was no use; they had vanished without a trace.

Somewhere in the Bakumatsu era of Japan, a woman wielding a katana, sliced down a group of bandits. The woman, dressed in a pink kimono and black hakama, while wearing bandages around her breasts, turned to face the remaining bandits. One of them charged at her, his sword raised high. She dodged the attack and countered with a swift kick to his chest, sending him flying back.

The woman, name Anastasia Kimeru, got a reward for killing the bandits. She stepped in a tavern, taking a seat at the bar. The bartender, a gruff man with a missing ear, approached her with a grim expression. "What can I get for you, miss?" he asked, his voice thick with suspicion. Anastasia handed him a small pouch of coins, her expression neutral. The bartender weighed the pouch in his hand, his eyes lighting up slightly. "Well, ain't you just the most generous customer I've had all day?" he said with a grin, wiping the countertop in front of her. Anastasia noticed a poster about the kidnapped children. Anastasia narrowed her eyes as she saw the poster about the kidnapped children, feeling a pang of sorrow for the victims and their families. She turned to the bartender, her expression grim. "Do you know anything about this?" she asked, pointing to the poster. The bartender shrugged indifferently.

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