The Interview

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Here's to the Birthday Star,  kiaraa709

This chapter is dedicated to the countless memories we've shared and the hilarious ones yet to come. Keep being the funtastic hooman you have always been, Kiara!

Happy Birthday ❤️

As the glass doors of the building opened, Aarnik stepped into the lobby with a leather portfolio in his hands. Spotting the front desk, Aarnik approached the receptionist who looked up from the computer screen.

"Hi, I'm here for my internship interview!" He said with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Hello, yeah here, take the elevator to the fifth floor. Head down straight through the corridor there and then take a right. You'll find the interview room just there." The receptionist said as she pointed towards the elevator. "Good luck with your interview!" She added with a warm smile.

Aarnik mouthed a quick thank you as he headed towards the elevator. However, to his frustration, the elevator descended to the basement instead of going to the fifth floor making him groan in frustration. "Ugh, why do these elevators always go the wrong way especially when you are in a hurry?" he muttered, clearly annoyed.

As the elevator reached the basement, it's doors slid open revealing a guy standing there with his sunglasses on, seemingly waiting for the elevator. With a cheeky grin, he stepped inside the elevator.

"Why is everything so dark in here?" He casually asked Aarnik as the doors of the elevator shut close. "Umm, maybe because you have those sunglasses on." Aarnik replied awkardly.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about them. Thanks man" He said as he patted more like whacked Aarnik on his shoulder. Aarnik shot him a disgusted look in return which was clearly ignored by the other.

"So are you a new intern here?" The guy asked looking at the portfolio in his hands. Aarnik on the other hand was busy judging the guy hard, "What would it take to get this weirdo to stop talking and be quiet for once. Why the hell does he have to speak so much?" Aarnik thought to himself.

"No, I am here for my interview." Aarnik replied unwillingly, his tone clearly lacking interest. Unexpectedly, out of nowhere the guy exclaimed at the top of his lungs "Ohh, guess what? I joined here as an intern just last week!" His voice was loud enough to make Aarnik flinch startled.

"Sorry I just get carried away when I'm excited, hehhe" He apologized sheepishly when Aarnik gave him a side eye. "By the way, I'm Kai and you?" Kai asked as the doors slid open, revealing the fifth floor of the building.

"I am Aarnik." Aarnik replied as they both stepped out of the elevator. Before he could continue any further, Kai's phone started ringing. "Ugh, it's the manager again. I swear, this guy is making me hate him more than my annoying morning alarm. I gotta go. Bye" Kai said hastily, not waiting for Aarnik's reply as he rushed off to attend to the manager's call.

Aarnik smiled as he watched the overfriendly guy walk away. The guy was super weird yet funny and charming all at once.

He then scanned his surroundings in an attempt to find his way to the interview room. Recalling the receptionist's instructions, Aarnik headed down straight through the corridor. On taking the right at the end of the corridor, he came across the waiting area outside the interview room.

A guy who just left the interview room walked past him with a sad face. By the looks of it, it was very evident that the guy was here for an interview and it didn't quite go well. That made him even more nervous than he actually was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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